Chapter 27

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I could see the flare of argument in Elle's eyes as I grabbed the front door, silently thanking the crew as they filed in.

Each of them going over to the couches and greeting Elle, leaving me still stood by the door, like the damn butler.

"Come on it." I say sarcastically.

"I got you these!" Aaron says, thrusting a small bunch of flowers into Elle's face making her jump and laugh. "Flowers always make people feel better."

"Only cause you ate the grapes." Billy teases as Aaron tries to protest but eventually admits he ate half the punnet.

"They are beautiful, thank you." Elle smiles, touching the petals with a delicate finger.

"I'll get them some water." I answer, taking them and heading into the kitchen to find a vase.

Why didn't I get her flowers? It should have been the first thing I thought of this morning!

When I head back, Elle smiles as I set down the flowers on the coffee table, admiring them again. I get a pang of jealously strike me as she thanks Aaron again and sits there looking at them as if they were made of gold.

When was the last time you got her flowers?

The fact I struggle to remember, means that it's been too long and slip my phone out to set myself a reminder, whilst the guys begin filling us in on what happened with the lockdown.

I also don't miss the spark of excitement in Elle's eyes when Billy pushes a bag onto the table full of hard drives and recorders for us to get started analysing, if Elle thinks she's gonna help, she's wrong. It's not that I don't think she is capable, she has shown me countless times how quick is she at picking up things, but she is meant to be resting, not working.

I glance over at her as Jay tells her all about the evidence he captured. Her eyes widening with excitement and shock, as well as the smile playing on her lips when he tells her a story of Aaron being frightened half to death. My eyes slowly move to her stomach, I still found it incredible that we created a life. Part me and part Elle.

I pray that whatever genes the baby gets of mine, that they are the good ones, as Elle only brings out the best in me. I also hope that they look like her. Meaning I have another precious item in the world, to guard and protect.

Had I considered what the future holds for us? As a family? Being in the media spot light? Absolutely not. Because I know it will take the shine off this perfect and precious moment.

My life in the public eye displayed me as being a bachelor, there were hints that I had a female companion but nobody knew more than that. I didn't follow Elle on social media as she didn't follow me. We had never had the conversation about that, it was something that just happened, like she almost knew?

Maybe she did, maybe she does? One thing she is not, is a fool.

I know that eventually, me being a father will surface and it's not something I want to hide from. I want to own it with all my heart, roar it out into the air and let the whole fucking world know that I have found someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. But I also know what a wicked and spiteful world we live in and the thought of my actions, career or past life experiences may put Elle and our little prune at risk, leaves me with a bitter taste and anxiety ridden stomach.

Elle's eyes connect with mine across the room, almost as if she can sense my fears. Her head even tilts slightly, it's unnerving to say the least. To have someone so connected with your soul that they can sense the slightest of shifts, but I am glad it's Elle. Nobody else. It's like knowing the back of your hand.

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