𑁍 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖮𝗇𝖾 𑁍

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𝘏𝘶𝘢𝘯𝘨  𑁍 𝘙𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘯

" let's get going dumbass! I am already in big trouble for sneaking out! " hitting Jeno on the arm once more, as he quickly fixed his unkept hair. The outfit he had worn has a sleeveless black hoodie with design strips of neon orange that pops up, with no inner shirt at all so you could see his bare skin so clearly. Adding onto that one slanted line across his front torso, along with the bottom part all around were all orange having the texts of ' handle with care ', with the partner of ripped light denim jeans.

" seriously I still can't believe you are sneaking out " teasing me, as he went ahead of me, jumping from the balcony with no fear, spreading his wings; taking off vastly and onto the night sky. Leaving me with a sigh, and with one last look at the mirror with a nod going on tail right after Jeno, with a rather calm pace. My outfit wasn't that bad either. Having a slightly large size white buttoned-up long sleeves, with small patches of design on my the shoulder sides, letting the right side tuck out while the other was tucked in, having to top it off with simple black pants and a necklace around my neck with a ring for design. 

Flying around the night sky, felt so surreal as I had always loved the dusk. The way it just contracts with the shades of the darkest colors but rather than that it is being lit up with the countless stars and planets. Especially at the domain, the sky at night is incomparable when in the outside world, getting my attention right back on track instead of wandering - stopping at the main location of where the domain was located, as we both faced each other with smug grins on our faces.

Nodding him as a signal, quickly in a synch way; we had closed our eyes, feeling the adrenaline that course through my veins when entering the sacred portal of the domain, opening them in a vast manner, once we both had neared the covered hanging plants, and another ideal unknown source of protection all over the entrance, spreading our wings to its full extent - changing where our body faces, down-facing onto the ground as we quickly dived down, at the right momentum we changed directions towards the portal in the middle with a great speed not minding the strong that we created for those who and the things that were around us.

Once entering the mainland of the domain, we took our time into the twilight skies; breathing in the air that was far different than the one outside. The soaring sky was filled with numerous planets, stars, and anything you could never imagine that is being so close to our eyes just above us. Finally, we had stopped admiring, as we dashed through multiple biomes of sorts, flying passed Jeno who was getting all competitive as now we started to race our way the Zhong's residence.

We both didn't even acknowledge the other creatures traveling their way to the depths of the ocean, to where the party holder house is located. Seeing the party lights, under on the bottom of the deepest parts of the large scale of the natural waters, merman's were guarding the surface for any unwelcome guests - looking up at us, immediately recognizing our faces. Jeno casually showed his hand asking for the specific material, the guards looked at each other before the other had thrown a magical apparatus at our direction.

Already used to this, as the device was covered with the fine rare corals, as the supposed button to be pressed has been covered with white small pearls. Along with the touching of the subtle siren glitters, pressing onto the button as Jeno faced the device towards me first as small sizes of bubbles surrounded knowing that it had been applied already, giving him a nod - as I closed my wings, falling down instantly with no intention of opening them once more as I dipped into the water, with my eyes closed.

Being surrounded by the salt water, with still the proper vision and right oxygen inside my system - swimming to the direction where the mansion underwater was located, a lot of creatures from the water came at different directions of the ocean but still there more mermans and mermaid surrounding the area for guarding. Expanding my wings for a faster action of swimming my way to the house, where the lights became brighter and in the right distance an amount of guests came into view, inside and out there all over, having fun and getting wasted to their own pleasure.

Finally arriving at the huge main entrance, the doors wide open as I stepped in. There were no evident sign of my clothes, hair and wings getting soaked as I was still dry like I was when I was above the waters. Even inside the house, no sign of splashes of salt water was in - even if so the doors were all wide open the water is being blocked from coming in. It was rather magical to say the least. Hearing another person that came just right after me, knowing it was Jeno. " damn this place is packed ".

Looking around, trying to spot our friends ( the main reason why we are here in the first place ) in the massive crowd of dancing and swaying bodies against one another. Turning around to see of Jeno was still following me, facepalming as expected there were numerous creatures surrounding my popular cousin already. Especially girls who were basically throwing themselves onto him, just disgusting. Thinking that amounts of people were already distracted it was my chance to get my way through, even if it means leaving Jeno - he could manage, besides he is Lee Jeno after all.

" oh hey Renjun! " cursing under my breath, knowing who that person was even if it is through her voice. Turning around with my famous smirk, " Lia, I haven't seen you in a while " well more like I was actually not wanting to see you but gotta keep up this reputation. " definitely I thought you were avoiding me really " I really was. Thinking the opposite thoughts of what she didn't want - as she kept coming closer to me, screaming internally. This will be a long night, let's just hope the person who actually I wanted see will pop up.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 - 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now