chapter 7.

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The next morning we both woke up in a rush and made our way here to pick up my car, as we wait for the short stubby man to finish the paper work, we play some Alto's oddesy game as a pass time.

Something like seven hundred taps later and I'm sick of the game already. It was a waste of time really I don't see the point in tapping a screen to get a little man to jump over rocks and grind on a rope.

"This is stupid" I sulk, because she keeps on getting a higher score than I do and she makes it a point to rub it in. Damn she really rubs it in.

I'd take her like this though, over that shell she was yesterday. I don't know if everything really works out in the end, but I do know this much she needs me right now and I'm willing to help. I know what it's like to be alone, no one really understanding you or what you feel or even what you're facing in that time and I won't let her face it alone. Doing this thing called life alone sucks, I know it of all people.

"you know, we all have that one person we can always rely on, that one person that's not family but gets you better than your family does. For me Tyler it's a few, and for you?" I think back to a time when lexy and I had the conversation of people understanding you.

" Look at it this way to understand my point then, no matter who they are to you, or what they are to you, the second you tell them about what you're facing it's just a simple 'shame man' or a 'I feel sorry for you bro'. Do they ever call to see that you're okay? Do they ever say anything else than a generic sympathy reply, like do they actually say something fucking heartfelt or do they just say what they need to, to keep face as your freind. Think about it for a second. If they really cared they'd have put more effort in". I look back at that statement now and make a decision that I won't be that person to this girl next to me. She's damaged yes but that's because no one showed her how to be any other way, no one showed me either and maybe my new founded freind and I can learn together.

"Hey kid, you can go to the back and get your car, it's a pretty cool car".

"Yeah man" I tell him, hiding my smile inside. I love when people compliment me on my car. It's like a work of art I created myself.

"Ouuu, now we need to see that ride if it's so bitchin' " Everly impersonates a guy from the tv show we were watching last night.

We both burst out laughing at her terrible skill.

"Let's go check that car out now" she pulls my arm to the back parking lot.

She gapes at me as her eyes follow the car.

"I didn't expect it to be so old" she looks at me.

"Hey, woman this is classy" I brush her off.

"I'm so going to take photos next to that car, yesterday at the motel, it was so cliché so I'll give you another cliche and take a sexy, boner inducing pic next to your old car. I'd slap on the high heels for you" she laughs harder than I am.

This girl and sexy, boner inducing are not things that belong together. "you can't be serious Everly" I laugh at her, I'm so happy she is back to her old self. Well sort of. It is sad to see someone lose themselves under the influence, I know I'm not one to talk but I will help her I have to.

We jump into my car and as soon as the familiar sound roars my body relaxes a little. I feel some tension escape my body. Tension I had no idea was even there.

"It's really loud" Everly speaks over the engine.

"I know" I probably have a huge smile from ear to ear.

I push the accelerator in and lose myself in the speed. The wind rushing through the windows. The shiny purple bonnet, glaring the sun in my eyes. This is when i feel the most alive. Being behind the wheel.

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