chapter 9.

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The meeting went by fast and before I knew it I was working on my first project, over seen by mr. Waters himself.

"Your calculations are just a bit off Sieanna, just carry that variable over to the other side but also think about the expansion of the material upon the increase in tempreture" I mean that was common sense.

"Not only that, remeber you got a lot of down force and as a result the air filters through the vent and cause air resistance" Everly adds. She is really smart, much smarter than most of us here, none of us would've thought about that.

"You have to over compensate on the thermocoupling so that the super coolant doesn't burn up anyway, remeber the entire head has to stay intact when melting down plastic. A slight change in temperature would cause a massive expansion and a quick burnout of the element itself" this is a major problem. How do we control that expansion and life span, if anything gets to hot it burns up quickly.

"We could always modify the drawing first and then fit a regulator, it will put us behind by two days but at least the quality would turn out better" Sieanna suggests.

"Well I'll over see the drawing and planning, Eve can handle the materials and then we can all meet up here at 4pm and finish the coil into the night" it is a great idea.

"Yeah Tyler and I'll help with that drawing now if you don't mind" Everly looks at me.

"Yes we can finish it together" of course this means she needs to come to my place.

"Cool, so all that's left is for me to tell my dad we have to leave now" Everly sets off on her mission and I'm so grateful she's in our group instead of RUDE-Y the blonde boy's group.

I'm now sitting on my brick couch talking to Everly about our project.

"So you telling me this is going to work?" I ask her, still a bit shocked that it was simple.

"Yeppp" she pops the p.

"Okay but now we have to see what happens when you draw the fucking thing".

A knock at the door disturbs us. I open the door slowly and find Amara waiting there in a pair of pink sweat pants and a plain white tshirt. The fabric of the shirt exposes her hips and my eyes immediately rake over the exposed skin.

"I need to take your car" she looks at me waiting for an answer but my mind is too occupied with the curve of her waist. Her laugh snaps my eyes back to hers. She knows what she does to guys and she loves it.

"No ways I'm coming with" I jump, forgetting Everly is standing in my small ass apartment.

"Okay maybe I can't come right now, Everly and I are working on that project" Amara peeps in waves her hand and pulls her body back out my door frame, she stands there with her hands folded, I know that look all to well, she's going to fight me now.

"Well I don't have any other free time" there I knew that challenge was coming on, she needs to know I'm not the one to back down either.

"Well this is a bad time and I'm not going to just send her away to justify you, you might as well come inside pop open a beer and chill out" she first looks surprised at my reaction and then smiles, it's a quick smile that could've been missed if I wasn't glued to her eyes.

"Move over then" she pushes through and reaches for a beer, popping the bottle cap off with ease and throws her head back as she sips it. The flesh of her neck and shoulders on full display now.

"Tyler did you hear me? " Everly can't even hide the amusement in her voice. I'm glad she's entertained.

My body remembers how her hands ran all over me last night and I can't help the reaction to the image. Thank the heavens this is not a skinny jeans.

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