chapter 30.

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"I told you I'll be fine" I tell him again. He doesn't seem calm though.

I'm lieing to him now and he knows it, the pain in my abdomen has gotten worse as time passed and it feels like period cramps but it isn't.

"You're not fine, you're in pain" i have no idea how he does that but he knows exactly what's going on with me all the time. "Lay down on the carpet with a blanket I'm bringing a hot water bottle, it my not be a period but if the pain makes your face twist like a menstrual cramp, I'm going to treat it like one" his so caring towards me and I gobble up his kindness. I really do. I love that his so vulnerable when it comes to me.

"Okay bubs" he pulls a straight face at my choice of words. He doesn't like being called bubs, it emphasises the age difference between us.

Tyler's P.O.V

I didn't even make it down the first 5 steps when I heard her running across the floor to the bathroom. She vomits and i put a little more haste in my walk. Walking to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I grab that and one of Lex's energy bar. I have no idea what to do, she needs to get the energy to go to a doctor but she's dead. I can see it in her eyes. She's wearing the actual look of death.

"Here you go my lovely" I hand the water and she drinks about 3 sips before she vomits again.

"Please leave Tyler, I don't want you to see me like this" she looks up at me. I move to her side but she pushes back at me. So I leave the bathroom.

I don't go too far, honestly I just take a seat outside of the bathroom and wait for her to finish up in there.

"You didn't go" she sits next to me with red cheeks and mint breath.

"What's going on baby" I ask with tears in my eyes. They're not tears yet but my heart is sore and I can feel this pain moving through my own body. Suddenly a wave of sadness washed over me. I don't want to see the woman I love so dearly in pain.

"Don't cry, it's going to be fine. I'm going to be okay" she cups my face and I can't hold them back anymore. The tears fall and she pulls me closer to her. She's crying now too. We're both sitting here in a giant ball of sadness.

"Tyler I don't want to go to a doctor but I just might have to" she admits and I get up. We both hurry up, trust me if she asked to go, we go now! Or else she'll change her mind and then we're sitting with a bigger problem because then we're going to fight. This happened to her a month ago when she got the flu and refused to check it out.

An entire day went by that we didn't speak or talk, until she finally came and kissed me saying sorry.

"Lexy we're leaving! I shout" I know she was awake. I heard her talking to that girl and shuffling around when I walked passed.

"Tyler, I think it's so sweet how worried you are about me" she grabs ahold of my hand as soon as we jump into the rental car.

Her touch is so cold, so when we stop at the traffic light I take off my Sweater and hand it to her. She doesn't fight me and just puts it on.

I'm driving the car yes, but my mind isn't focused on what's in front of me. I feel as sad as I was when that unexplainable feeling washed over me. The feeling of hurt. Something bad is going to happen and I can feel it.

I don't know if I'm ready for anything more to go wrong. We've both been struggling trying to work hard for our future and now whatever this is, is happening.

I just hope that whatever it is, it doesn't break us up. That it doesn't destroy everything we've both fought for.

"Penny for your thoughts baby" she shakes my hand.

I don't hide anything from her, so I tell her exactly what's on my mind. "I was just thinking that something bad is looming over us right now and I know we can get through anything you and I but I can't help but wonder when enough is going to become enough for either one of us. When are we going to decide everything is just to hard and give up on the entirety of our 5 year plan".

"Well I don't ever see myself being without you and lord knows you need me around or you might fall apart" she jokes. I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm the mellow one, when did I become this serious person?" I pull up into the hospital's parking lot.

"I need you to stay calm okay" she looks at me. I admit sometimes when I get antsy, I get feisty too.

"Only for you" I say.

I jump out the car and grab her hand tight. I remind her that I love her. Because I do. I love her with everything I have. I never thought I'd be happy with someone again but now that I have Amara in my life I know what it is to be truly loved. Not that Caitlyn was bad, it's just she never really tried.

"Baby I'm nervous" she says while bouncing her leg up and down. "See I know that this isn't a flu or just regular cold. This is something wrong inside of me. When you get sick your brain registers it but this is not my brain, this is my body" she admits that she's worried for the first time since this started happening to her.


So two things right!

One; I know I said I wouldn't add many of these Authors notes and I didn't, but I'm way too curious to know what's going in your minds right now. What do y'all think is wrong with Amara. I really want to see whose smart enough to add all the symptoms together and give me a diagnosis.

Two; follow my Instagram guys. It's wattpad_author_xo. Don't forget to follow this account also and vote on each chapter of Holding on.

NB, spam me with comments. I love it when you do.

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