chapter 8.

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I returned to my box of a place after my conversation with Amara. I'm sprawled out on the bed with my books everywhere, I finished most of this semester's work. Just one more day and I'll be done with all the work.

I'm sitting here bored with my work done and have nothing else to do, fuck has my life changed.

It takes me about four seconds before I grab my keys and leave my apartment. The night sky welcomes me, the stars are bright. I start my car and melt at the loud shudder. I've missed starting the car like this.

I drive around for a while until I spot an old fashioned pub. This place is perfect, it's close to my temporary home so it's ideal. I park at the back just far enough from other cars. I don't need other drivers opening their door on my car and scratching the paint job.

I take a seat at the edge of the counter and wave over the bushy haired man.
I got a coke because I have to drive back and this isn't the small town of my child hood, I can't chance it, I don't know the streets here.

The man slides my coke over to me and the ice tangs against the rim of the glass. I nod my head in thanks and turn my body in the bar stool. The wood smell of the table makes one think that this place is newly opened but there are other detials that make you know it's an old pub.

I keep looking around when a glint of fimilarity hits me. It's Amara she's sitting with a group of older girls, I guess they're her age though. She catches my eye and waves me over. She's wearing a casual Adidas pants and a crop top, but her curvy figure is still showing in this baggy clothes. She's utterly beautiful.

"Tyler I'm surprised to see you here, come meet the girls" she pats an empty spot next to her and I sit on the plastic covered couch thing.

"This is Amelia, Rose and Candy" she gesture to the individual girls. Candy is eye catching. She's eye candy I laugh at my own stupid joke. She's got blue hair and she's what modern guys call thick. She smiles at me and it's not a soft inviting smile. It's a smile that stirs something inside you. She's watching me attentively and keeping her eyes on me no matter what I do.

"You're having a coke" Amara laughs at me.

"Hey I'm driving myself back" I shoot her a glare.

"Here just have a little" she hands me her glass. The clear liquid has a cherry taste and her lip balm on the glass tastes like honey melon. I drink the entire glass and tell her I'll buy her another.

She shifts in her seat and faces me. She's staring at me now and I know she's slightly intoxicated because she's so care free now. "You drive that purple old car right?" She smiles a deep smile.

"Yes and it's old not obsolete" I roll my eyes at her.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to get pissy over a car" for a moment I thought I offended her but she's just laughing. She's so different right now.

We continue talking for the rest of the night. She tells me about random things and it's actually entertaining. Towards the end of the night she places her hand on my leg and sort of moves forward so that she's closer to me. Her eyes meet mine and she whispers so low. This woman is the definition of sexual tension. She moves her hand further up my thigh and rests it there. If she just pushed her hand forward she would feel my body reacting to her soft touch. She watches me attentively and licks her lips. The moisture on her lips gathers there and her eyes alight.

Unwillingly my eyes flicker between her eyes and her lips. Something inside of me is pushing to kiss her and the other part of me is reminding me to respect her. The battle is like a riptide against a cliff. And the riptide is pounding against the cliff so hard. Her lips call out to me as she places her legs between mine. We're in our own bubble now. She is dangerously close. A bit too close. It feels like I'm burning up, maybe it's because it's been so long since I've felt the touch of anyone. Maybe I miss the feeling of the pleasure building in my spine as I climax.

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