Chapter 7

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Tracy dialed a number. The phone at the other end rang, and rang, and rang until a man's voice came up on the other end of the connection. “Hello,” he spoked raspily.

“Dad?” Tracy questioned.

“Yeah,” he answered uneasily. “Tracy?”

“Yeah,” she answered, uncomfortably. “Dad, I won't be able to make it home tonight,” she paused, waiting for a response.

“Why?” he asked, sounding protective.

“Nothing, bad,” she said. “I am just going to hang out at Molly's house and we're staying for dinner with her parents.”

“Alright,” Dimitri, her adoptive father spoke. “Just do your patrol and come right home.”

“Okay,” she responded. “Love you.”

“Love you too, Tracy,” Xander echoed back.

Tracy hung up the phone and walked back into the house when out of the corner of her eye she spotted a car pull into the driveway. She turned around to face the driveway with a sense of unease. She had never seen this car before a Blue Porsche was put into park. The man in the car seemed old, about to be in his mid to late forties and had gray hair, which was medium length. His skin was pale white skin. He had ice-cold blue eyes. He was wearing a full set working suit.

The car turned off and the driver's car door opened up and the man got out of the car with a suitcase. He spotted her. She froze, like a deer at headlights of a car. He got up on the stairs and stared at her knowingly. “Can I help you?”

“Um, I-I um,” she stammered and stammered until Molly came downstairs and informed the man that was her father.

“Hi, Daddy,” she said, mockingly. “You remember Tracy, right?”

“Oh, yes,” her father said, in realization. “Of course, I am sorry it is just that my memory isn't at that its use to be.”

“It's fine,” Tracy replied.

“Tracy and her boyfriend are staying over for dinner,” Molly stated, with a smile.

“Wait, boyfriend?” he wondered, with a look of distinction.

“Yep,” Molly replied. “I finally found her the man that is right for her.” Now, this is when Tracy got uncomfortable, Mr. Kelly looked at his daughter.

“Really?” he questioned.

“Actually,” Tracy interrupted. “He found me.”

“Molly, sweetie,” Molly's mother called from the kitchen. “Who was at the door?” When Mrs. Kelly came out of the kitchen, she noticed her husband was standing in the doorway glancing at his loving wife. “Oh, Molly, let your father in, for God's sake.” She gestured. “And wash up, oh, and Tracy, you might want to check on Xander he is in the guest bathroom. I think he might be sobbing his eyes out,” she informed her.

“Thank you for letting me know, Mrs. Kelly,” Tracy glanced at her with another smile. Sobbing, she thought to herself. Athena's men were not known to sob, but yet again, Xander wasn't like Athena's men.

Everyone entered the house except for Tracy, she needed a moment to think about what she wanted to say to Xander, without him clamming up and lying to her. Then she entered the house and found the guest bathroom, and knocked on it. Then a voice made her jump almost three inches off the ground. “No one's in there,” when she turned around to find the face of the voice. Xander was hovering behind her, he was up very, very close to Tracy's body. His eyes seemed red and puffy.

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