Chapter 17

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When they entered the training room. Xander walked over to the center of the room and waited for his instructions. Tracy ran into the room and found no one except them.

“Xander the goal of this will be to get angry and find your anchor.” Dimitri said as he turned around from behind the wall. He was wearing a black muscle shirt with black sweatpants. He was wearing nothing on his feet. His stubbed arm was just hanging out there.

“How will that work?” Xander asked.

“Simple,” he said with an easy voice. “Hit me.” was all he said.

“What?” Xander said. “Sorry, but I don't think I heard you correctly, but I believe you said that you want me to hit you.”

Tracy left the room and came back with a cup of coffee and a bag of ice and bandages hidden behind the entrance way.

“You heard me right,” Dimitri reassured. “Come on, hit me.”

Dimitri got into a ready position. Xander walked up to him and went to throw a punch but Dimitri dodged it and grabbed his arm and kicked him on the side of his stomach. Xander fell to the ground in pain. “Come on, don't tell me Athena's best soldier doesn't have it in him to beat me.”

Xander got up and sighed in pain. He went up to him again and tried to sweep him off his feet. Luckily, he had Dimitri fall right on his behind, without hesitation Dimitri went right for the legs and fell on his butt next. Xander rolled onto his side in agony. Now, Dimitri knew where to hit him. If his pride wasn't getting hurt, he would just have to strike a nerve. He was going to try hitting him in the heart. “No wonder Alex didn't survive the fire, you are just a worthless human being. No wonder Athena shot you because she figured you were such a weakling that she could just put away in the dump just like your father.”

Xander was hurt by what Tracy’s father was saying to him. But, as he tried to control his anger. He could feel the anger start to build up and up. Xander tried to push it away but then his head started to fight with his self-consciousness. Then in the end the anger won. All he heard was Dimitri fall to the ground. Dimitri was pushed to the ground. Xander was punching his face. Then he was going to finish him off but then he remembered to fight it even harder so he focused long and hard on something that always made him happy, someone that made him happy. Tracy. He thought about the first smile he saw on her face. The night that we were in the motel. The first night he felt something about her. When he saw her at the school after he woke up from his coma. The day she was in the warehouse with her while he was getting tortured by Athena. He focused on her voice.

After a moment of a pause. Xander started taking some deep breaths. In and out. In and out. His black eyes turned back into his dark almost black human eyes. He got off Dimitri's body. Tracy walked slowly over to Xander in case Dimitri told her that she would have to stay back. When she got to her father she saw that he was fine. “I hope you realize, dad, that you had this coming.” She pointed out. She knelt down to Xander who was sitting on the floor. She comforts him with her hand to his face. Dimitri just rolled his eyes as he got his bearings to get up and leave her alone to talk to Xander. He limped over to the Healing Waters to heal and relax himself before he started beating the crap out of him in enjoyment. “Xander,” she said looking, kindly into his eyes, “how did you do that?”

“I think I found my anchor,” he said, huffing and saying it as he was smart about it.

“And what was your anchor?”

“You are.” he looked back at her eyes and smiled.

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