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"I'm Emma Jean," I shook my new roommates hand. She's a beautiful Asian girl who's hair was in braids. She stood a little shorter than myself but had style bright and bubbly. "You have no idea how excited I was to hear that you were my new roommate."

"We'll I'm happy to be here." She helped me get some of my bags inside before Lucas finally caught up and got some more things. Emma has her moment with him as well before I left to help him with his room. We didn't have much down time since we were going to a prep rally the school was having to induce us contest winners and have a big announcement.

"I have some news," I looked at Lucas as Input the box with his bedding down. "The teacher is letting us have those classes here on campus for the students now." I jumped up. I loved the short dance sessions and doing the videos. It's a fun thing to do so we can just have a break from everything. "He also agreed to let us do it at night too. We should wait for a bit though to get used to things."

"Your right," I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"We could always...find some private time.." I watched as he winked at me and pulled me closer.

"Don't tempt me." He leaned down putting his lips to mine.

"Sorry I'm late I-woah, I'm so sorry," Lucas pulled away and looked up as I turned at the boy who walked in. I noted his dark hair and smooth dark skin just as toned as Lucas's. I could tell by the way he was dressed he and Lucas would get along great.

"It's okay," I said. He walked up to us with a smile and shook our hands.

"I'm Austin but everyone just calls me Burkley. Not like the school, it's my last name." I smiled at his babbling. "Sorry, I'm subscribed to both of you."

"I'm honored," Lucas said.

"I'm going to leave you to get to know each other, I have to get ready for the rally." I kissed Lucas's cheek. "I'll see you later."

I made it back to my room in the girl's building and got help picking an outfit with Emma Jean. I just opted for black leggings, a crop top, and plaid button-up I just tied around my waist. I slipped on my shoes and left with Emma to the stage hall. We had just ended the room when a teacher pulled me with the rest of the winners and Lucas wasn't there but I stood with Andy who was so giddy and happy I couldn't help but wrap my arm around her and hold her close. When Lucas did arrive he took his spot by me.

The principal introduced himself as well as explaining all of us are showcasing dancing. It went from youngest to oldest and I was amazed as I watched every one. The school clapping and cheering were kept my heart racing. It was finally my turn, Lucas kissing my cheek before I ran up to the stage. The crowd got louder as I took my place waiting for my music to play. It was something a little different than what I normally have been doing but it was freeing to be able to try these new things.

I felt every moment even though the more I danced the world disappeared and suddenly it wasn't just me anymore. I could pick up Lucas voice cheering me on. Knowing he is right there for the the whole time made everything that much easier. I finished dancing and everything came back as the crowd stood clapping. Waving to everyone as I ran off the stage Lucas put his arms out allowing me to jump into them. He spun me around before kissing my cheek again and leaving once his name was called. I watched his routine and cheered him on as danced and when he finished he jumped off and wrapped me in his arms, picking me up and digging his face in my neck.

We finished the introduction for everyone who won the competition before we sat down listening to what the rest of the school year will be like.

"We have another treat for you guys." He said. "With getting such amazing attention from the competition, we've had a bunch of new opportunities come up for you students. Not only will we chose one of our finest to choreograph the final dance for the competition season if we make to the Country Finals, a documentary will be filmed about the winners of our competition and the school, we've got new movie and tv show audition opportunities." I felt as Lucas squeezed my hand and I looked at him as his smiled excitement taking over him.

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