Mailee's room within the section of the castle normally reserved for the king's immediate healers. Since the room was right next to Kira's room, but the more troubling problem was that Mailee had to share all healing items with her and Soren. Mailee could see that Kira wasn't too delighted with this turning event of Mailee being chosen to go with Soren instead of her.
"This will not gain you freedom, you know." The golden-haired teen explained to Mailee, "It's pathetic that all your good for is to heal and fight on command. Father said that you'll also have to make sure that Soren wins the challenges." Mailee rolled her eyes.
"Blah blah blah. Thanks for the reminder. However it's pointless to make fun of you." Kira managed a dry smile.
"And why is that, Mailee?" Mailee shrugged and made some explanation to her, using language so complicated that Kira could only catch the gist of what she said.
"Oir bheir e dhut an còrr den latha gus dèanamh a-mach e.(Because it will take you the rest of the day to figure it out.)"
"Why you-," Kira had decided that the time had come to speak her mind, but was interrupted by Mailee opening her chamber's doors and shutting them in her face. Everything was silent and darkness filed the room. Mailee lit some lanterns around the room and walked to the window couch and sits down with her back to the arm rest.
"Carson mi? Nooroo, càite a bheil thu? Feumaidh sinn ullachadh airson a dhol airson turas.(Why me? Nooroo, where are you at? We must get ready to go for a trip.)" She then noticed that Nooroo was sitting on the windowsill staring at her in confusion with a tilt head. "Nooroo, am bu mhath leat a dhol còmhla rium air turas ochd latha?(Nooroo, would you like to join me on a eight day trip?)" Mailee asked gloomy with a miniature smile.
Nooroo's purple eyes beamed with excitement at the very thought of her getting to see outside the castle grounds again. Mailee reached out her hand and called out, "Nooroo, Thig an seo mas e do thoil e. Tha tòrr againn ri dhèanamh mus fhalbh sinn.(Nooroo, Come here please. We have alot to do before we leave.)." The small 6 inch creature crawled onto Mailee's out stretched hand and squeaked softly at her.
Nooroo was a Forest Nightwalker and a female. She is a hybrid humanoid with a human head, human neck, two light purple eyes, a small nose, small pointed ears and a small fox-like snout. She has long black knee-length spiked hair, a weak torso, a narrow chest, a banded waist, and a flat stomach. Nooroo's two short, human arms that ended in large claws. She had short, slender legs and walked on delicate fix paws. Nooroo's body was covered in smooth soft short black fur.
Forest Nightwalkers' when young normally leave their families and live alone when they are mature. They communicate by using squeaks, chirps, hisses, and whines. These creatures are mostly active during the night. They also have the ability to allows them to detect life-forces through their sixth sense. They also can as well smell fear around them. Forest Nightwalkers can run at 86 mph, and they can only be found in one region. However, the more tired they are, the less intelligent they become. That is where things get really interesting with them.
Nooroo chirped breaking Mailee back to the present time from her thoughts on concern for her master's well being mentally. "Ma thèid mi air adhart le seo, is dòcha gum bàsaich mi. Mura tèid mi troimhe le seo, fàsaidh mi nas miosa na bàs. (If I go ahead with this, I may die. If I do not go through with this, I will get worse than death.)" Mailee mumbled as she stood up as she placed Nooroo on her right shoulder. Nooroo squats down and leans into Mailee's neck in bliss. "Chan eil mòran roghainn agam an dàrna cuid. Mar sin cuir dragh air cuid. (I don't have much of a choice either way. So trouble some.)" Mailee was rummaging through her medical plants, she then turn turned to a extremely unique rare plant called the Eucommia Stolonifera.
The Eucommia Stolonifera is a tall plant and can be found in most wet regions. It blooms all yearly.
It has thin, palmate leaves, which are usually green and white. It also grows decent sized flowers, which can be dark purple and dark blue.
These plants grow within short distances from each other, but it's tough to control and maintain their growth. They can be brewed as tea and make into a strong healing cream.
However, this plants defense mechanism of the Eucommia Stolonifera grows stinging hairs, like a needle. They rely on water currents to carry their seeds away to reproduce. Once pollinated, they grow small, delicious nuts. "Gabhaidh mi iad sin cuideachd agus na sìol cuideachd. Tha mi ceangailte ri cuid a chleachdadh rè seo. (I'll take these too and the seeds as well. I'm bond to use some during this.)" Mailee pointed out to no one particular as she harvest the plants and packed the creams into her bag.
Nooroo continued to observe her master as she moved around the room gathering clothes and items that were needed. Soon she got too bored and have a long lick on Mailee's cheek. "Tha mi a 'creidsinn gur e sin an dearbh rud a thuirt mi riut gun a dhèanamh. (I believe that was the very thing I told you no to do.)." All Mailee got from Nooroo was a delightful cheeky smile that screamed 'Did you really think I'd listen?' Mailee rolled her eyes playfulness at the small creature that she loves and care for.
After one more once over, she grabbed some of her weapons and walked out her chambers, locking the door as she and Nooroo leave. "Rachamaid, Nooroo. (Let's go, Nooroo.)" Mailee sensed Nooroo's nervousness as they moved down the hall, and rounding the corner to the door at the bend of the corridor. Mailee stands in front of an intricate stone carving of a man's wide-open mouth. The man's nose and eyes loom over the door while his sculpted hair splays out across the wall on either side of the door. Mailee opened the door and walked into a scene of the forgotten chamber.
The Mirror Guardian
Random((Book One of The Guardian Series.)) She was the Flame of Light craving peace... They say she is powerful. They say she is the Flame of Life. They say she instill fear into the hearts of many. It is even said that the Devil himself is afraid of her...