Chapter 24

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//; only doing one chapter tonight, sorry- + i added a video for your entertainment ++ i want everyone who;s reading to say PogChamp. +++ aYO WE ALMOST AT 30K READS

Both yours and Tank's eyes widened with shock. "What do you mean, they have her?" You asked, and Riot simply sighed. "That fucking orangutan shit's bodyguards. Scales was attacked by a group of six and forced into the limo, and they drove towards the White House. Riot and I tried going after them, but we were starting to get attacked by the police who ripped off our helmets and started beating us," Chief muttered, his tone filled of venom. You shuddered and nodded. "Want me to patch you two up?" "I'm good, but Chief, he can;t do it by himself." You nodded and took the twin away, leaving your boyfriend with Riot. "We're gonna save Barron too, right?" Riot looked at Tank with a questioning look, who nodded. "Poor child only exists because of Melania and Trump's stupid contract. I heard he also has a roblox account, is a kpop stan, and a weeb. A bigger reason to save him from his lazy excuse of a father. Not to mention, he doesn't even look like he remotely likes his father."

You sat Chief down on a seat in the kitchen while murmuring profanities to yourself. "Uh, Y/N? Not too many swear words around me please, I want to preserve the little positivity in me." You nodded, grabbing a dampened paper towel and wiping away the blood on his face. You felt him shudder and you patted his shoulder comfortingly, shooting him a small smile. Rubbing some ointment on his cuts, you slapped some bandages on them, earning you a dirty look from the dark skinned. "So, what do we do now?" You asked, and he replied, "I need some ice for my bruises." Grabbing a sandwich bag, you opened the freezer and shoved some ice cubes inside, zipping it back up and handing it to Chief. "It'll take some time for them to come up with a plan. In the mean time, let's get to know each other some more," he suggested. "I'll go first."

"Alright, so, uh, my name's Chief, obviously, and I'm 24. I have a twin, obvious as well, and two older brothers and sisters. I'm an uncle to six kids, and waiting to get engaged with my girlfriend of six years. Her name is Cerenity, and she used to hang out with these two girls a whole lot-" You were gaping at what he'd said. "You know Cerenity?! Is she living nearby?" You asked curiously, almost scaring the poor man. "Cerenity Wade? Ah, yeah! Wait, are you that other girl besides the Ecuadorian?" You nodded your head excitedly, clapping your hands in delight. "Yeah, that was me! Is she doing okay? I have't talked to her in so long!" Chief just chuckled and pulled out his phone from his pocket, unlocking it. "Talk to her yourself!" He dialed her numbed, face-timing her and waiting for her to pick up. Once she did, she said, "Hey baby, what's up? Wait, what happened to you?!" She gasped, spotting his bandages. "Nothing important, but look!" Chief handed the phone to you, and you smiled meekly, waving your hand slightly. "Hi.." Cerenity gasped louder, if possible, and squealed. "Oh my god, you bad biddie! I missed you so much!"

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