Meeting the Outcast

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"Y/N GET UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL" my mom yells. I pick up my phone and check the time, 6:20 and I had to be there in 10 minutes so I can have time to get a tour of the school. I saw that and obviously I jumped out of bed. Not because I cared wether I was late or not. I didn't wanna make a bad first impression. If it wasn't the first day I would be taking my sweet time. Anyways I threw on a black oversized sweatshirt and a pair of mom jeans, grabbed my back pack and phone and went downstairs. "Remember down the street and turn left" my mom reminds me. "I know mom" I reply as I grab a piece of bacon from the table. I go to open up the door to leave and my mom stops me "hey" she says "have fun". "Sure thing" I respond. I leave and practically run to school. I get to the school and I walk in and find the office. "Um hi I'm y/n y/l and apparently someone's here to show me around" I ask. "Ah of course" a lady says as she stands up behind a desk. "Hi I'm Mrs. Estes and Here's your schedule." She says as she hands my me schedule. I start looking at my classes. First period math..... Second period social studies.... then my thoughts are interrupted by Mrs. Estes "And Jaeden here will show you around" she adds as she points behind me and I turn around to see a boy. He has brown hair. He's about 5'9. He walks up to me and reaches out his hand. "Hi I'm Jaeden" I go to shake his hand "Hi I'm y/n" .

Jaeden's POV: As I'm shaking hands with y/n I can already tell that we are gonna get along

Y/n POV: Me and Jaeden walk out of the office to start the tour "So where are you from" Jaeden ask me. "Tennessee, my dad got a new job so we had to move" I answer. "Cool. Oh um this is the math room if I'm not mistaken this is your first class?" I give him a strange look. How did he already know my schedule? "Oh because Mrs. Estes gave me your schedule so I can show you your classes in order" he says nervously. "Oh" I say as I laugh nervously. "Yeah it is my first class" I tell him. "Well your in luck because we have that class together. We also have gym and science....... anyways the point is we can walk to class together everyday first thing" he goes. "Yeah sure" I saying as we walk through the school. The tour is continuing but I can't help to just pay attention to Jaeden. Not sure why there's just something about him. Eventually the tour ends and he takes me to my locker. I get my locker situated and we make our way to math. "Just a warning Mr. Clark is pretty creepy. Not sure why he" Jaeden warns me. "Um ok". We walk into class and Mr. Clark stops me. "Hey class I have an announcement" The class quiets down. Great. "We have a new- Jaeden you can go sit down" "oh right haha" the class laughs a little and Jaeden goes to sit down. "Anyway this is our new student y/n everyone now let's see where you'll sit...ummm" then Jaeden stands up. "Uh maybe she should sit next to me I mean I am her student buddy after all" he says and I smile a bit. "Um sure you can sit next to Jaeden". I walk over and I take my seat. "Jaeden your a lucky man she's hot" I look to who's sitting on my right. "Excuse me" I say in anger. "That's Finn he flirts with everyone don't take it personal" says Jaeden. "Oh my apologies, I'm y/n" I say. "I'm finn" he says.

Jaedens POV: I'm introducing y/n to Finn and then Mr. Clark interrupts and starts the lesson. Y/n goes to get something from her back pack and Finn gives me a wink. If he thinks I like her that's not the case I mean I just met her.

𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠

Y/ns POV: The bell rings and me, Jaeden, and Finn walk out of class. "Your right that teacher is so weird" we all laugh at the comment I made. We are walking through the hallway and a girl comes up and jumps on Jaedens shoulders. Is this his girlfriend? "Oh hey your the new girl right" she says. "Yes I'm y/n" I tell her. Finn adds in "Y/n this is Sophia, don't worry she's like 1000000% lesbian so don't worry about her taking your man". "My man?" I ask. Then I know he's talking about Jaeden. "Oh no me and him aren't a thing I mean like after all I just met him today" I say and Jaeden agreed. I'm looking at my schedule and my next class is Social Studies. "Hey me and you have next period together me and you can get to know each other" Sophia chimes. "Amazing" I say. Wow. I know this is gonna sound basic but I actually can't believe I have friends here. It's an Amazing feeling.

𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝 𝑡𝑜 3𝑟𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑔𝑦𝑚

Me and Sophia are changing in the locker room. Me and her are actually getting along great. "So do you like him" Sophia asks. "Like who" she gives me a look "no I don't like Jaeden" I say. "Ok, but I think he might be into you". "I don't know I haven't known him long" I tell her. We walk out of the locker room and we see Jaeden and Finn talking to another guy. "Hey who's this" I ask walking up to the boys. "Hi I'm wyatt" he says and we shake hands. "This is the class that has the whole group in it so good thing you ended up here" Finn says. Then this loud ass whistle blows. "Ok guys I'm gonna split you into teams for dodgeball" uh oh dodgeball?? I think Jaeden saw the concerned look on my face and he just grabbed my shoulder, "dont worry you'll be on our team and we got you" and we went on our side of the gym. I don't know why but my heart dropped. It feels good to know I've got people by my side.

𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑦

I'm starting to walk home from school then a hear footsteps running up behind me. "Hey" Sophia says. "Hi um shouldn't you be on the bus". "Well actually I walk and I saw you walking in the same direction so I thought I would join you". Me and Sophia start walking home and she lives further than I do so we say goodbye when we reach my house. I walk inside of my house and hear commotion. It's my dad. I go to the living room a my mom is on the floor next to a broken vase and my dad has a bottle of vodka in his hand. "YOU DUMB BITCH WANNA BREAK THINGS COULD YOU BE ANYMORE IRRESPONSIBLE!!!" My dad yells at my mom. He puts down the vodka and starts to swing at my mom. "NOOOO STOP" I jump in front of her. "Please don't hit her please" I say crying. My dad puts his hand down and goes to walk away but he turns and slaps me in the face hard and I fall. "HENRY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" my mom yells at my dad. I take off my backpack and get up to leave. "Y/n WAIT" my mom says to try to get me to stay but it doesn't work. I leave and I'm running. I'm not sure where I'm running to but eventually I find myself at a park. I go to the bench and bury my face in my hands as I softly cry. As I'm crying I feel a arm around my shoulder and I jump to see who it is and it's Jaeden. "Hey are you ok" he ask me. I frantically start wiping my tears "yeah I mean everything is great". "Y/n you're bleeding" that's when I recognized there's blood on my hands and I touch my cheek. He's right. I am bleeding. I must've fell on the broken vase when I was hit. "Oh that's just nothing I promise I-" "oh no your coming with me"Jaeden interrupts as he takes my hand and drags me away. "Where are we going" I ask. "My house" he answers. We get to his house and we go to his room which is in the basement. "Here have a seat" he says as he pats his bed. I sit down and he's grabbing stuff from his bathroom to fix my cut. He comes back and sits next to me. "Hold on this might sting a bit" I hiss in pain but it's alright. He fixes the cut and he ask me "So what happened to you cheek" "nothing I was at the park and I fell" he doesn't believe me then he puts his hand on my cheek. "You can tell me" he assures. "Ok. My dad drinks. When I got home from school my mom had broken a vase. He tried to hit my mom but I jumped in front of her to try and get him to stop, but he hit me instead. And then... I fell on the broken vase." "Oh my god y/n I'm so sorry" Jaeden say and he hugs me. I couldn't help it and I just start crying. "It's ok It's ok I got you" he separates himself from me and looks me in my eyes "You can always talk to me when ever". I nod "thanks" I say. Then puts one arm around my shoulder and pulls me close and holds my hand with the other.

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