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Y/n's POV: "hey y/n wake up" Jaeden is waking me up. I open my eyes and we're pulling into a hotel. We must already be in Ohio.

"Ok me and Jonathan are gonna go inside and check in. You two stay in here and we'll come back to get you guys. We can't have anyone noticing you right now."

David and Jonathan get out the car and go inside.

"Sleep well?" Jaeden asks me. "Yeah, you?" I ask back. "Didn't really sleep" "why not" I ask. "I don't know. Maybe it's the fact I have a lot on my mind. And it's not just this whole running away thing." He tells me.

"What do you mean" I ask. "It's just been something I'm afraid to do" he says. The car door opens. "Cmon get your shit and let's go inside" David says.

We start gathering our stuff then I ask him "what are you afraid of doing". "It's more what I'm afraid to say" he answers. "Oh ok" I say.

We put our hoods up and go straight to our hotel room. We walk in and there were two rooms that were connected. Both rooms had two beds which tbh I was kinda bummed about.

We settle in and we turn on the TV. The news is playing and we couldn't believe what was play. "Ahhhhh shit" David says. We see a picture of me and Jaeden. Our case made it to Ohio... "So we came all the way here for nothing?" Jonathan ask.

We all sit there for a second and then David speaks up. "I have an idea. Jonathan come with me you two don't leave this room. We won't be gone long" and just like that they both leave.

"You know you can't keep ditching us like this" Jaeden yells through the door

𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑓 𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

David and Jonathan walk through the door with a bag. "Where the fuck have you guys been?" I ask. They avoid my question and dump the bag. It's hair dye.

"What's this for?" Jaeden asks. "To try to keep you guys hidden just a little better we're gonna have to change your appearance. Y/n you'll have black hair and Jaeden we'll bleach yours" David says.

"Uhhh no I'm not going blonde" Jaeden says. "Ok" goes David. He gets up and goes to the bathroom. "What are you doing" I ask. David comes back and sits on the bed.

"Blonde or Shaved. It's your choice" David says. "Ok fine. Blonde." Jaeden gives in.

"Ok. Let's roll" David says. We get into the boxes of dye and dye our hair. Me and Jaeden stand next to each other facing away from the mirror.

"Turn around" David says. We turn around and woah. "Who are we" I ask. "I don't know anymore" Jaeden says.

All of the sudden I can't take it anymore. I leave the bathroom and go to bed. "Um you guys go to bed I'll go talk to her" Jaeden says.

Jaeden leaves and sits on the bed I'm laying in. "This is our lives for the next three years. I don't know how much longer I can live like this" I tell him.

"Right now we gotta go with the flow and hope for the best. I know the fact that we don't know what's going on is scary. Just sleep on it ok?" He tells me. "Ok" I tell him.

He goes and lays down in his bed, but I can't help but feel the need to at least have someone by my side. "Can you come over here" I ask him.

"Uh yeah hold on" he says I hear him come to my bed to lay down. He wraps his arm around me and he can tell there's something wrong. "It's ok don't worry" he tells me. He turns off the light then we go to bed.

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