Chapter 1

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Kya Mary Swan

Age: 18 (forever)

Family Charlie & Renee Swan Isabella Marie Swan (Cullen)
The Cullens in-laws
Renesmee Cullen (niece)
Anthony (husband)
Charlie Daniel (Son)
McKenzie Irina (Daughter)

Species: vampire (newborn)

Power: controls water, bloodbending (resign of use)


It's been months since I was changed, my thirst has been under control, Carlisle was impressed. When I woke up from my pretend coma about 2 months ago, Charlie was so happy. But before I could see him. Alice gave me some brown contracts, so he won't see my now true eye color. When he came to see me awake, he was so happy, he told me everything that happened while I was in my pretend coma: josh died, Bella is getting married. He even told me that he called the nursing school, told them I was in a coma, they cancel my enrollment. I was pretty sad about, I moved in back with him and bella. The Cullens taught me how to be human again. Which I wish I was.

Every since I was change, i haven't felt the same, I left like my life was over, my dreams. I barley show interest in anything expect Bella's wedding, I haven't even showed my face around la push. They know Carlisle had to save life, I try to stay positive and strong, but all I felt was sad. Jasper keeps asking me if I'm okay, since he can feel my moods, I don't blame him. Rosalie knows my pain, the desire to have family, kids.

    I was at the Cullens house a day before the wedding, I was helping out with the chairs and decorations. Bella was trying to break in her wedding heels. Though she still need to break them in. All I could hear is the scraping from her, I groan very time she tries to walk, "you just have to break them in" Alice suggested, "I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella said, i giggle. "No. Absolutely not." She said. "Just thinking it's a little much. You know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this." She said looking at the decorations.

"No. It's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect." She said to her, "where do you want them, boss?" Emmett said carrying a hug log of tree. "On either side of the aisle." She tells him, "what aisle?" Rose said, "does no one have vision?" She shouts at them. "Alice is right, it's your big day tomorrow. Though I gotta admit it's a little much. But it'll be perfect." I said to her, she chuckles "thanks, I'm so glad your here." She says, "me too." I said giving her a hug. "Kya! Little help" I hear Alice "I should go before Alice yells at us again. See you at home" I said.

  Alice went back to bella to get beauty sleep, I promise bella I would help her pack. After helping I went home. Bella was starting to pack, "I'm going to miss you." I said, she watches me put her thing in the box. "I know, so have you heard from Jake?" She asked me, billy told me he ran off after getting the wedding invitation. But have no idea where he ran off to. "No, I haven't even talk to the pack after I was changed." I said. "I'm worried about him." I place my hand on her shoulder "I know" we continue packing, I heard Edward come in through the window. "Kya" he said, I gave him a small smile. "Alice told me to tell you she needs you back at the house to go over the wedding details." He said to me, I sigh "okay, I'll go, if not I won't hear the last of it. See you tomorrow" I said giving her a hug. I wave bye to them.

I told Charlie I was staying over at the Cullens house to help with wedding, we got everything ready for tomorrow. I was in the room with girls getting our dresses ready. The guys were at Edward bachelor party. We had our dresses, shoes. Make up ready for tomorrow, "okay, everything is ready. Kya make sure bella gets here on time." Alice orders me "yes ma'am" I said. I stepped outside to clear my head, "everything's changing" I told myself.

I heard Rosalie coming outside, "you know you haven't been the same since you were change. You been so distant, barley talk. I know you wanted to stay human, I don't blame you. But be happy kya, it's yours sisters wedding. At the end we're going to become family. My new sister in law." I stood quiet for a bit, then laughed "I suppose your right." She smiles "come, let's go inside." We head inside when Alice was having a vision. I was going to ask but I didn't want to confuse things.

Today's the big day, wedding day. We went hunting in the being, when we got back I got a shower. I wore my robe, Rose did my hair, I did my make up. Alice was working on Bella's make up, "what did I say about beauty sleep?" She said.

"Sorry, bad dream." Bell said, "it was wedding jitters." I chuckle "just relax bella, went your jitters flow like water. Once you see him well forget about everything " I said. "Thanks" she said I gave her a side hug.

Rosalie comes up "do you need any help? I can do her hair? She asked. We all stared at her since she never liked bella. I was a a bit surprise, "really?" Bella said, "please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom." Rose tells her. I have Rose a small, "just my blatant lack of respect for mortality." Bella said,  I chuckle.

"Essentially" rose said, Alice stood between me and rose, "weddings, they bring everyone together." She hugged us, we giggle. Alice got her make up done, Rose did her hair, and her looks amazing. I looked at her "You look so beautiful." I had tears in my eyes, "sorry, I don't myself I wouldn't cry. But you look beautiful." I said patting my tears.

"Alice? Bella? Kya?" I hear mom calling for us, "in here mom" Bella shouts. I see mom enter and sees Bella. "Oh my gosh! You're so beautiful! Crap! My mascara." She said tearing up. Alice offered her a tissue. "Thanks, Charlie get in here." She calls on dad. We giggle as mom was so amazed. "You sure? I don't wanna.." he said coming in. Me and Bella looked at him, all dressed up "I know. I look hot." We laugh.

"We've thought you need something blue." Mom tells bella. Dad opens a black box, "and something old, besides your mother" he said. "Ah, nice" mom said, "it's grandma Swan's"
"But we added the sapphire" mom explain. "It's beautiful guys. Wow thank you so much" she gives it to Alice to put on. "It's your first family heirloom, pass it on to your daughter, then Kya can pass it on to her daughter as well." Mom said, I frown knowing I can't have kids, Bella will soon be turned. I felt Bella grabbed my hand.

"Mom. I love it" bella tells her, they were about to when Alice stopped them, "no! No smudging my masterpiece!" She said. "She right" mom said, we chuckle.

"Time for the dress!" Alice take it out. After bella got her dress on, I went to get change. I went to meet up with mom outside with the other guest. "Oh kya, sorry I didn't say hi to you." She hugs me "it's okay, I'm just so happy your here." I went to say something to Edward before it starts. "Nervous?"I asked him, he smirks "I'm glad she has you" I said, he smiles.

It was about to starts, we stood up and watch as dad walked bella down the alley. Mom was crying, so was I. After the minister said declare them husband and wife the kiss, more like a make up. It's was beautiful. We all clapped.

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