Chapter 5

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I went to find Anthony reading, I sat next to him. "Hey" i said, he puts his arm around me. "Hey, how Bella?" I sigh "okay, she's talking Jacob. I bet she telling her to get rid of her baby." I said. "I mean, he's not wrong kya." I moved away from him "im sorry, i know how you feel about this." He said, "You know I'm sick of people telling her that. It's her baby!" I shout at him. I stormed out of there, I heard bell groan in pain. I speed to her, "hey, here." I heal her side. She felt more comfortable. "Thanks" she said. I felt her with rose, while I fill my pouch.

I heard Edward come in and Jake too. "You should hear this." Edward said. I went into the room. "Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he's doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head in. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." Jake informs us. "They won't touch Bella." I said as I look at him. He nodded.

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett said. "No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Carlisle tells him.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind." Jake said. "Not in ours." Esme said.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Emmett said, it's true we haven't. "We'll make do" Esme tells him. You've done us a great services, Jacob. Thank you." Carlisle appreciate his help.

Before it got dark I went outside, I stood my the river. I saw Paul and embry standing there, "what?" I said looking at them, "that thing is growing isn't." I cross my arms "if you or any of your mutts, touch my sister and her baby. I'll will rip you to shreds or even worse." I said in a threatening voice. "Not only you became one, you sound like one." Paul said, "we see you also have a mate." He's referring to Anthony. They laughed before going away.

Later that night, I went to stand on the balcony, I looked up at the night sky, it's a full moon. I could hear Seth and Leah, their kept a eye on Sam and the pack. Edward came to stand next to me.

"It's making her weak. I don't know why she wants to keep it." He said. "She knew that once you become a vampire, you can't have kids. But now she can experiences it, while she's still human. Look you mind not understand the feeling of not able to have a that." I said, "just because you couldn't have that with josh, doesn't mean bella has to go though this!" Her snapped at me. I felt my mouth drop, I scoff.

"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. Kya I'm sorry." He said feeling bad. I shaked it off, knowing he had a lot in he's mind. "It's alright, let your anger and frustration flow like water. Beside josh would've make a horrible father. He only cares for himself. He's own reputation." I said. We went back inside to be with Bella.

    For the past few days of not being able to  hunt as took a toll in all of us. Carlisle and Edward have been going research. Mean while I've trying to keep Bella's body comfortable with my healing. But she's getting weaker, Rose and me have not left her side, neither has Esme , Emmett. Jake of course won't leave her side. Carlisle has been checking on her almost everyday.
      Carlisle, Edward and Bella were in his exam room, I could hear what they were saying, I break down in tears, just hearing this. Anthony pulled me into his chest. We hear Edward storm out, I went to go see Bella, who was crying in the table. I went to give her a hug. We both cried. "You're not alone. He's not alone." I said touching her belly. I helped her off the operating table, and back to the couch. The next day, me and rose helped Bella in the tube. She's so skinny, I saw Edward standing there looking at her, lookin at her body. I got up to shut the door.

We were all sitting down, I watch Carlisle put in a I.V bag. "Are you cold." Edward asked her, she nodded, "Jake" I whisper to him. "I got." He moves in closer to her.

"Don't do that." He said, seeing Bella smile. "What?" She asked him "smile like I'm your favorite person in the world." He said. "You're one of them. Feels complete when you're here, Jake." She said. She gets up almost throwing up, "is there any way we can have her food?" I hate seeing her like this." I asked Carlisle.

"If I could see the fetus..." Alice said. "The baby" me and rose cut her off. "Maybe I could figure out what it wants." She said. I saw Edward looking at jake, "think you might to right. Jacob just had an idea." Edward said.

"It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment." He said. "What were you thinking?" Carlisle asked him. "That it's probably just looking for someone to sink it's teeth into." He said. We all knew what that meant.

"He's thirsty." Bella said. Everyone felt thirty's "I know the feeling." Emmett said. "If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood." Edward tells them.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella." Carlisle went to get the blood. At this point everyone eyes were pin to the blood. "Walk with me" Alice pulls jasper away. Rose gave a nod to Emmett go outside with them. Anthony stayed with me, we see Carlisle pouring the blood in a cup.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're gonna to make her drink that?" Jake said surprised "it's the fastest way to test the theory." Carlisle said. I looked at Bella. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked her "I'll try anything." She said so desperate. "Just hold on." Edward said getting up, he put the blood in a plastic cup with a straw.

"I think im gonna be sick." Jake said moving away from her. Anthony held my hand, we watch as bella took a drink. "Tastes...good" she said, i smile. Carlisle went to check her. "Your pulse is already getting stronger." He said. "It's working" esme said. Anthony put his arms around gave me a kiss on my forehead. Now we know what he likes.

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