Chapter 4

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   It's been a week since I moved in with the Cullens, dad has been getting close to Sue, which I was so happy he found someone. When I first told dad about me moving out, he was pretty sad about. But then accepted my wish. Me and Anthony have been slowly being to love each other. I never thought I would be someone after josh, but Anthony is so different.   Anthony told his family that he'll be staying for a bit here in forks. They understood that his mate is here. I told Anthony about my ability, even told him the story. When I was ready I told him how I was changed. Told him about Josh. He felt bad of what happened to me. Anthony even told me the story how he told become a vampire. Eleazar found him while he was with the volturi, took Anthony with him Carmen, They soon found Tanya and her sister, join their coven.  Anthony is happy he found me.

Bella and Edward are still in their honeymoon, I was with Rose, she was helping me arrange my closet. I hear her phone ring, "can you get that." She said. "Sure....Hello?" I answer.

"Kya? Is rose with you?

"Oh yea, let me put you on speaker."

"I need your help. Both of you." She said sounding scared. Me and rose gave reach other confused face. "Bella, what's wrong?" Rose asked.

"We're coming home early. I'm pregnant." She said. I felt my month open, "we'll see you soon" she hangs up. We hear Carlisle calling all of us.
"They're going to be here shortly." He said.

After a few hours later, we see them come in. I see Bella looks like she's been crying. I went to go hug her, "I missed you. How are you feeling?" I asked her. "Ok I think" bella said.

"Bella why don't you let Carlisle examine you." Edward tells her. She goes with Carlisle into the room. "Kya, can I speak with you?" Edward said. We went to an other room.

"you need to convince Bella to get rid of it, before it kills her." He said so mad. "Get rid of it? Your asking me to tell Bella, to get rid of her baby!" I yell at him. "We don't know what it is kya! She won't listen to me, but maybe you." He said. I sigh "I'm sorry Edward, but I can't do that." I walked away to be with Bella. After Carlisle was done examining her.

"The baby is growing fast." She said, I place my hand on her stomach. "Edward wants me to convince you to get rid of the baby. But I told him no. My nephew or niece stays." I said, she pulls in for hug "thank you." She said. Me and rose helped her get comfortable. Most for them are against the baby, even Anthony. I told him I'm not leaving Bella's side. But he understood. He ask him not to tell the Denali until we sort this out.

About two weeks have passed, Bella's belly has growing, she has bruises on her stomach. Bella told Charlie she caught a bug So Im guessing the packs knows by now. Bella looked in pain, we try to keep her comfortable. "Kya, can you heal her?" Edward asked. I gave him a 'maybe' face, "you're the best healer I know, please." He said.

Me, rose and Edward helped her into the tube, "okay just relax" I said, I slowly being to heal her. "How do you feel?" Edward asked her "good. It feels good" she said not looking at him, Edward gave me a nod, I continue healing her. "You should feel a little better. But it won't be enough...sorry." I said, I stopped healing her so she can go rest. Me and Rosalie helped her out the tube into some clothes. "Thank you." Edward said to me, I nodded. We were all sitting in the living room because Jake was stopping by.
"Already picture how this is gonna go." I said annoyed. "That mutt should mind his business." Rose said. I nodded. Bella just chuckle softly. "Sorry" I whisper.

I heard jake pull in, Carlisle welcome home in. "Jake, is that you?" Bella called for him. Me and rose stood in front of bella. We see Jake walk in.
"I'm glad you came." Bella said
Jake steps in closer. "Close enough." Rose tells him. "What's your problem?"
"Rose, it's okay." Rose moves but I didn't "Kya." I sigh, moves next to Rose. Jake sat in front of her.

"You look terrible." He tell her, seeing the baggy eyes she has. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too." She said, "so, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" He asked. Bella looked at us "Rose, kya, you wanna help me up?"
   We reach took an arm helping her up, she covered her belly. Jake was horrify on what he saw, he quickly turn to Edward and charge at him, "you did this!" Before Emmett could stop him.
"We didn't know it was even possible." Carlisle informs him. Jake pushes Emmett's hand away "what is it."
"I'm not sure." Carlisle said, "it's a baby" I looked at jake. "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac." Carlisle said.

"I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore." Alice said. "We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and fast growing." Carlisle tells him.
"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" He tells him. "This is none of your business dog!" "You're no one to give orders!" We shout at him, "girls! All this fight isn't good for Bella." Esme yells at us.

"The fetus isn't good for Bella!" Alice shouts, "say the word Alice 'baby' it's just a little baby." I said to her, "possibly" jasper steps in. I rolled my eyes at them, I went to sit nexts to Bella.
"Carlisle, you've gotta so something?" Jake begged him, "No. it's not his decision. It's not any of yours." Bella tells him. Jake looks at Bella then me "kya?" He said, "you heard her Jake, it's not your decision either." I tell him.

"Jacob, I need to talk to you." Edward said. We watch as the two boys leave to talk. I held Bella's hand. After Jake went to go talk with Edward, he came back to talk to bella. Me and rose looked at Bella, "guys, it's okay." She said to us, we both nodded. I gave a quick glance at jake. I went to go find Anthony.

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