Chapter 6

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I felt more relax now that bella has something in her system, she looks stronger this past few days. The next day she was on the phone with dad, I felt bad because i haven't spoken to him since I moved out. I still haven't heard from the volunteer group I sign up for. I was with Anthony reading my book. "Bella looks sound better then before. When do you think the baby will be born?" He said, I quickly look at him "what did you say?" He said baby. "I said when do you think the ba-" I gasp "you said baby!" I laughing. He laughed "alright. I did." We sat there laughing.

"So how mad was dad?" I asked "you know how he gets. But I told him I'm going good." She said. "I feel bad not calling him, ever since I moved in. Either he's at work or with Sue. I know them two have been getting along." I said raising my eyebrow. We start laughing.

Later that night Carlisle, Esme and Emmett. We're going to keep Carlisle feed if bella goes into labor. Me, rose and Alice we're talking baby names.

"EJ?" I said, "it's for Edward, and Jacob." She said, I rolled my eyes "okay. That doesn't sound bad." I said. "Oh! What about a girl?" Rose said. "Renesmee." Bella said. "Renesmee?"

"It's our moms name and their moms name." She said, "that actually sounds cute. Very unique." I tell her. "Yea, but can we come up with something more classic?" Rose said, We kept talking more baby names, we see Jake come on, me and rose helped her up.

"Hey. Are you okay?"Bella says. "Yea, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon." He said, i growl at him. "This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided? Rose said.

"What now." Jake said. "It's nothing bad. Don't wolf out." Anthony said, they chuckle. "Rose is trying to talk bella out of her baby names." Edward said. "She hates them. Except Kya." Bella said.

"Well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." He said so supportively. "They're not that bad."  She turned to rose. "If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob." She said "okay, fine, that ones not awful." Rose said "tell him the girl's name." I said.

"I was playing around with our moms' name. Rene and Esme. And I was thinking...Renesmee." She said. We looked at the guys, jakes face was wowed, Edward kept smiling. "Renesmee." Jake said with a dumb face. "Good weird?" Bella said. Jake still was trying to process the name.

"No, that's not too weird. It's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee." He said. Alice hands rose Bella's blood to drink. "He likes it." Bella tells rose, she rolls her eyes. I chuckle.

Right when Bella was about to grab her cup, she bones being to crack making her spill the cup, then fells to her knees, she was almost to hit her head but Edward sped to her. We careful took her to Operating table. Alice started to dial Carlisle.

"Rosalie, pass the morphine." Edward order her.

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached." Alice said. Edward injects the morphine on bella. "He's coming as fast as he can, but...." Alice said "we'll have to do it." I said. rose puts up the scapula "Rose! Let the morphine spread." Edward stops her.

"There's no time. he's dying!" We said in unison. "Get him out now!" Bella shouts. Rose starts cutting, making Bella scream in pain.  At some point bella almost faints. Suddenly rose loses for us from all the blood. "Rosalie, Don't!" Jake tackles her down.

"Alice, get her out of here!" Edward orders her. "Rosalie" Bella cries for her. "Heal her! Kya can you heal her!" Jake tells me. "I can't there's too much blood!" I shouts at him. "Kya go with them" Edward tells me "what! No. I'm staying with Bella." I said. "Kya, please I don't want you losing control" I was about to say something when Anthony walks in "love please, it's safer" he said, I nodded "safe them both." I looked at Edward dead in the eye. "I will" he said.

I went to see if rose was under control. "You okay." I said she nodded "yea, I'm okay." She said. We waited for a few minutes that when I heard the cries of a baby. I heard Edward say 'it's renesmee' it's a girl! Me and rose walked in, she took the baby. I saw bella but breathing

"Bella! Bella!" I cried. "Please I cant lose you" I cry. Jake starts doing CPR, we see Edward take out a syringe "what is that?" Jake asked him "it's my venom." He said injecting her with it. We watch to see if she wakes up from the venom. "Come on please" I whisper.

Edward starts CPR on her, "it's supposed to be working" he said. "Kya?" Edward looks at me. "My healing won't work. I'm sorry" I said wiping my tears. He kept going CPR

"I won't kill you, that's would be too easy. You deserve to live with this." He cried, he stormed out crying. I sat next to her crying, holding her hand. Anthony walks in helping me up, "Kya, please love, let Edward save her." He said I went with him. He pulled into he's chest crying, "Bella's died." I cried. "No she's not, the venom will soon spread." He said.

We all heard the wolves coming, Rose stayed with my baby, while we went to out.

"We're outnumber." Anthony said "by a lot." Alice then said. "I won't let them hurt my family." Edward said. We charge at them, I hated fighting with them, their my friends or they use to be I guess. I saw Paul coming at me, I whip him with my bending water, one jumped on me fr behind, luckily Anthony mange to get him off. Emmett, Esme and Carlisle arrived helping us fight them.

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