Chapter 8

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    Bella grabs him for the neck, throws he's outside.

"You imprinted on daughter!" She shouts at him.

"It wasn't my choice." He tells her.

"She's a baby!"

"It's not like that, you think Edward and Kya would let me live if it was." He tries to defend himself. "We're still debating it." Edward said. I nodded.

"Iv held her once! One time Jacob! and already you think that you have some moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!" She shoulder checks him, I chuckle. Seeing bella like this is joy. Seth and Leah showed up growling "it's fine Leah." Jake said.

"You're gonna stay away from her!" She tells him, "you know I can't do that." She pushes him to a tree. "Stop her Edward." Esme tell him, "he said it fine. She's amazing right?." I laughed.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me 3 days ago? That's gone now right?" He asked her. "Long gone."

"Because it was her. From the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there? He said.

"Nessie? You nickname my daughter after the Loch Ness monster!" She yells at him.  She was about to attack him but Seth jumped in the way, Bella throws me to a tree. "Seth are you okay?" Jake rushes to he's said.

"Seth I'm sorry." Bella apologizes to him, "he'll be all right." Jake said, he goes back to bella "Bella, you know me better than anyone. All my want is for ness-Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You, me. Any of it. Now I understand why. This was the reason." He said, Bella sigh and nodded.

Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Anthony, Carlisle and Esme went to fix their new home up. Jake was sleeping on the couch, Bella was carrying Renesme.

"My turn." Rose said, she gives her Renesmee "where does she sleep?" Bella asked "in my arms, or Edwards, or esme or Kya's" she said, we heard the others come in. I gave Anthony a kiss, "hey, you wanna go on a adventure with me?" He said, "um what type of adventure?" I said, "you'll see." I laughed "okay."

After Alice went to show them their new home, me and Anthony then left. We walked through the forest. Far away from the house, until we reached a house, kind of big house. "Anthony what is this?" I asked. "Well, it's our new home." He said. I was in shock, and amaze. "Well?" I just looked at it "I love it. It's beautiful." I said. We walked inside. So beautiful decorated, the walls are painted a light peach color, the couches were a creamy light tan colors. I went to our room, my closet has a lot of clothes. "Alice picked you wardrobe." He said. "Clearly." I said. Everything was beautiful.

We went to our room, but we don't need to sleep. "I'm guessing this bed is not made to sleep?" I stood close to him. "Oh it's not" he said, he picks me up lays me on the bed we start kissing, I ripped his shirt off, as he did to mine. We kissed so passionate, "I love you" I whisper to him, "I love you too. Meant to be." He said "meant to be" that night was the best night.

We lay there just staring at the celling, "so, how did you get this place? Just curious." I said, he chuckle "My family bought me this house, they thought it would be nice for us to have." He said. I do love the house, and I do want him to meet Charlie soon. I still feel bad for not calling him, or going to see him. "Well, that's nice of them." I said.

The next morning we went to the cullens house, I wanted to see Renesmee, I walked in to see Rose carrying her.

"Hi! Is that my beautiful niece." I said so happy. She has the cutest smile. "Hi my little moonpie." I said. Rose chuckle "moonpie?" Rose said, Renesmee was laughing when I said moonpie "she likes it" Anthony said. We laughed. After carry her for a bit then have her back to Rose, they went outside.

"Did you like the house, Anthony bought?" Carlisle asked me, "yes, it's very beautiful." I said. "I bet you guys really enjoy it." Emmett commented, I narrow my eyes at him, "Emmett." I said. Him and Jake laughed, I rolled my eyes at them. Anthony put his arms around me. We heard Bella and Edward come in.

"Wow. Done already." Emmett said. I rolled my eyes. "Where's Renesmee?" She asked for her daughter. "Blondie stole her." Jake said. I saw Rose with her, it made me smile. I went back reading my book.

"Break a lot of stuff." Emmett tells them. "Emmett. No." Bella said. We all chuckle. We hear the phone go off, it's Charlie. We all looked at one and other. "It's that Charlie?" Bella asked.

"He's been calling twice a day." Edward said, we just watch the phone ring. "He's in pretty rough shape." Jake said.

"Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle said. I frown "is there no other way?" I asked him, "you know there is not." He said to me. Me and Bella shared a stare, I could tell she was sad.

"He needs to mourn, Bella." Edward tells her.

"Okay, we'll do it tomorrow." She said. She looked at me with a sad face, I nodded.

"I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett gets up.

"We'll come back. We always do." Carlisle said. Anthony stood behind me, he place his hand on my shoulder. I frown.

"Wait. Nobody said anything about leaving." Jake said confused.

"Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her." Carlisle explains to him.

"So you just disappear?" Jake said to them. "Jacob, we don't have another choice." Edward tells him. "What about kya? She's one." Jake said. "He won't see me that much so." I stood up.  Everyone stared at me confused. "What? What do you mean?" Bella said.

"After your wedding, I was looking at that nursing school I was gonna go. They have this program for volunteers to help those in need. I signed up, but I haven't heard from them." I said, I looked at Anthony who did say anything "I'm sorry I was going to tell you, I just didn't know when was the right time" I said to him.

He put his arms around me "I'm not mad. What you wanna do is amazing." He said giving me a kiss. Bella walks up to hug me "So your fine with Charlie believing Bella's dead?" Jake said.

"This no another way, like Edward said he needs to mourn." I said. I could tell he was sad, leaving Renesmee.  I don't like the idea of it but it is a risk for people to see her.

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