Chapter 12

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Edward P.O.V

The next day I went to visit the principal of the college I go to just to tell him I was going back home.

"Well, you passed your final exams and you're all set for the graduation in a month, why do you want to go now?" He asked looking at my profile on his computer.

"Mr. O'Brien, I have a fiancee back in Forks and we just lost the baby she was expecting," I say coldly.

"Miscarriages always happen-"

"My son died at birth," I growl. "I already took my exams and I passed. I wish I could go back home with my fiancee and be with her right now because she needs me."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Mr. Cullen," he says. He looks over his big cabinet and takes out a diploma that has my name. We both stand up and shake hands. "Congratulations and I hope you and your fiancee go through this tough moment."

"Thank you," I take it and walk out the door.

That afternoon I said my goodbyes to Emmett and Jasper, they helped me pack up and gave me a ride to the airport. I wasn't really sure if I was feeling prepared to see Bella, I know that's she's hurt and I have to stay strong for her.

The whole flight back home was like being hell. I looked at my phone and saw my lock screen, the picture of my son's ultrasound. His little hand was in his mouth... I lay back and turn the phone off. I had to stay strong for Bella and we both will have to learn to let Bruno go.

Carlisle and Esme were there when the plane landed. Mom immediately ran up to me when she saw me and hugged me.

"Hey," She hugged me, "I'm happy you're here."

"I had to," I answered. I pull away and look at my Dad. "How is she?"

Mom shakes her head and Dad sighed. "She's not doing well, Son," he says. "She won't talk, she won't eat, she won't let go of his cloths and won't come out of the nursery. She's like... Dead."

Mom nodded. "We try talking to her but her expression it's just... Blank. It's like she's not there, her mind is somewhere else and... She's just gone."

"I need to see her," I say.

During the drive back home Dad stopped by the cemetery. I frowned at him and he said, "Charlie buried that baby here."

I take a deep breath and walk out. I walk around the cemetery looking for my son's grave, it took probably ten minutes with my parents helping me find it. I found my grandparents grave and two graves from there's was the name:

             Bruno Jonathan Cullen-Swan

        The heavens earned another angel.

                          May 10, 2014

I don't know how long I sat there in front of his grave, looking at him. But, long enough until dad comes up to me and tells me Bella needs me there.

Once we get home Alice and Rosalie give me a quick hug and indicate me where the nursery is. It's just right next to my room. The door was closed, I could hear the little baby music coming from inside. I take a deep breath and walk in.

The room is all painted in a light blue color. At the back wall there are letters that spell Baby Bruno and little Dragon decorations and puppies. The closet is open where there are infinite numbers of baby clothing. Blue, yellow, green. There is also a lot of baby toys, teddy bears, bottles, etc. There's a stool where the diapers and other things are at.

My eyes stop right on the white crib. Right next to it on the floor is Bella, sitting with a teddy bear between her arms and her chest, her back against the crib. Her expression is expressionless, her eyes are off, her cheeks are pale and dry with tears, her lips are swollen and her hair is messy. It breaks me to see her like this.

I walk up to her and kneel next her. She doesn't move, doesn't flinch, nothing. I softly touch her dry cheek.

"Bella?" I say softly. "Bella, can you talk to me?"

Her chest raises and drops over and over again, ignoring my touch. Her grip grows tighter around the teddy bear, more tears began to form in her dead eyes. I grab the bear, but she grips it tighter.

"Can you give me the bear, Love?" I ask. She doesn't move. "Please?" I pull it.

"N-No! N-No!" She cried, pulling it back.

"Okay, okay," I say, stroking her hair. "Bella, talk to me," I plead. "Say something. Bella, say something to me, please?"

"It's all my fault," her voice cracks. "It's all my fault... I couldn't protect our son."

I shake my head and say, "No, no, Love. It's not your fault, things like this unfortunately happen, there is no way we can stop this."

Tears fall down her cheeks and starts to whimper. "I want him back, Edward. I want Bruno back."

"I wish I could bring him back, but we have to let him rest in peace and keep on going."

She shakes her head. "I should've done something."

"There was nothing you could have done to save him. Please, stop crying, Love."

"Edward," she sobbed, "can you please hug me?"

I sit down beside her and pull her in a tight hug, smelling her hair that seems it hasn't been washed in a few days.

~~~~ That Night ~~~~

I finally convinced Bella to come out of the nursery so she could take a bath. She needs to be relaxed, she needs to be the Bella I fell in love with and I will be there to help her get through this.

I helped her get in and she slowly sat on the warm water, bringing her knees to her chest and hugging her legs. I get a cup and slowly start pouring water and her dry hair. She closes her eyes and lets out a sigh. I wash her hair, stroking her head softly with my fingers and then rinsed it. I grabbed the soap, grabbed her arms and washed them too. Her back, her legs chest and now her flat belly.

After her bath I help her get changed and dry her hair and she falls asleep on my chest, hugging me tightly. It breaks me even more knowing that it's going to be hard for her to get through the death of Bruno.

Author's Note:

Sorry, sorry for the wait. My phone bill was due and I haven't paid it yet. Fortunately, my dad has Wi-Fi so now I can give you this. It depends on when I pay my bill for the next chapter but if not, it would probably be until next week.

January 11, 2015




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