Chapter 11

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Bella P.O.V

Charlie already got the who story set up when we came back three days ago. We were in Seattle taking a walk, my water broke and the baby was born dead in Seattle. Unfortunately, everyone bought it and so they're visiting me at my house.

The car stops and Charlie says, "If one of you two say anything about what really happened back there, I'll make sure they kill that bastard, understood?"

I didn't answer. I hugged myself and lean on the window, expressionless, hopeless. I hear the engine turn off, I guess we're here. Mom helps me out of the car and I can feel Esme's arms wrap around me.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetie," she sobs.

I let go and cry in her arms. I hear Alice and Rosalie also sobbing, Carlisle rubbing my back. I hug Esme tighter and cry.

"It's all my fault," I sob.

"No, no, it's not your fault," Carlisle says, "things like this unfortunately happen."

They don't know what I mean exactly when I say it's my fault, they don't know that the truth is that Charlie took him away from me.

"I want to go to his nursery." I pull away. "I want to at least be where he was suppose to be."

"Bella, I don't think-" Carlisle starts to say but I cut him off.

"Please, I'm begging you. Please," I cried.


"Bella, remember what we talked, honey," Charlie warns with a fake sweet tone.

For some reason Carlisle sat in the back with me and hugged me the whole ride home. I need a hug, but from Edward. I wonder if he knows now, if he decided to leave me.

We get to their home and all of them take me to the nursery. My eyes water again when I hear the little baby music at the back ground, that strawberry smell that floated around. I reach out, walking until I find the crib. I reach in and take the clothing we were going to use for when we brought him back home, Alice told me she put it here.

It was so soft and had this baby aroma. I hug it tightly and let myself fall on the ground, crying out loud. I find a teddy bear on the ground and hug it, too.

"Bella." I hear Carlisle's steps towards me, I grip my baby tighter. "Bella, this is not sane for you. Give me the clothing and the bear, sweetheart, please."

"No, no."

"Bella, give them to me," he tries to take them but I pull back.

"No! Give them back to me! It's all I have from my baby!" I cry. "I want my son back! Please, Carlisle! Get me my son back!"

He hugs me tightly, shaking. He's crying. Carlisle Cullen is crying right next to me.

"I want him back," I say and I feel like a little pinch on my neck. My eyes start to get heavy and everything in the darkness I see is like... spinning?

"Good night, Bella," he whispers in my ear and I fall in a deep sleep.

Edward P.O.V

Emmett passes me another beer while we watch the boxing game with Jasper. I look at the phone, no call yet. By this time Bella is close to her due date, I'm really anxious. I can't wait when Mom finally lets me know it's time.

My phone starts to ring. It's Dad. "Shut up, shut up!" I tell Emmett and Jasper and answer. "Dad, is it time?" I asked him.

"Edward..." he sighs.

"What's wrong? Dad, is she okay?" I asked starting to get nervous.

"She went to Seattle with her parentsK to have a family day before the baby came. Her water broke and she gave birth, but..."

"But, what? Dad, what happened? Is Bruno okay? Is she okay?" I insisted, he's killing me with his silence.

"I think there was a problem during the birth... I'm so sorry, Son. Bruno died at birth..."

My whole world dropped to the ground, crashing into a million pieces. Bruno was dead. Our baby was born and... Died. Oh, God, my Bella must be distraught. I can't hear what Carlisle is saying, it's like a buzz in the back ground.

"Dad, I'll call you later." I hanged up.

I felt my whole body was in shock. I took a deep breath and sat back down. Emmett and Jasper were staring at me with a question look.

"He's dead," I say, looking at my hands. "My son is... Dead."

Something in me clicked and I just started sobbing. I put my head between my hands and start crying. People say men don't cry, but that's not the truth. Everyone has their weak moments and this is mine, I just lost my son.

Emmett and Jasper got up and stood right beside me. Jasper telling me everything is going to be okay, Emmett rubbing my back.

I have to go back, I have to go see Bella. She needs me right now, I need her.

Author's Note:

First update of 2015!

January 3, 2015




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