chapter 3 - north star

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Okay, we get it. I love Jiara. If you didn't know yet, you will now. 🤪 enjoy :)


"JJ HELP!" someone screamed. He looked around but couldn't see a single thing, but he knew he was underwater.


"John B?" JJ tries to say but can't. He starts choking on the water like he's drowning. He jolts awake coughing and hacking as if there was water in his lungs. Once he's able to catch his breath and gets a glass of water he goes back to bed and starts to drift off again.

"Hey, worthless bastard get up." JJ opens his eyes to his dad's face staring back at him. He scrambles to sit up.

"So, this is where you've been crashing for the last two months." Luke sneers at him while walking around John B's room kicking anything on the floor that's in his way.

"What the fuck to do you want? What are you doing here? Get out!" JJ yells at him.

"Don't you raise your voice at me you ungrateful son of a bitch. What are you gonna do? Call the cops? Don't you think they'd arrest you for staying on private property?"

"I don't care. Get the fuck out or I'll kill you. I almost did it once, don't expect me to spare your life again." JJ says standing up.

"All right, kid. I'll go. Just remember, you lost my phantom and I expect you to treat me with respect next time I see you. Because last time I checked that means you owe me." Luke leaves slamming the front door on his way out.

JJ lets out the breath he had been holding in. He sinks to the floor and starts to sob. Why won't his dad just leave him alone? He has had to deal with his shit for the last 16 years of his life. He finally got the courage to leave him and he still follows him wherever he goes. There's only one place where he'll feel safe. So, he hops on his bike and drives into the night.


Once Kiara got home she took a shower and tossed and turned in bed since she couldn't get her mind off of a certain blue-eyed boy.

"Fuck, come on just go to sleep," Kie repeated to herself until she finally started to doze off. She awoke to a knock on her door. "The fuck," she says walking to her door. She opens it, but no one was there. Okay, am I high? I thought I told JJ no thanks earlier...

She closes her door and turns around and screams. She covers her mouth hoping that she wasn't loud enough to wake up her parents. JJ was standing on her balcony with a sad expression on his face. She walks over to unlock her balcony door and slides it open.

"Hey, Kie."

"JJ what the hell are you doing here? Did you climb the damn tree?" she looks at his hair and reaches up to take a small twig out that got stuck. "Well, this answers my question," she says while examining the twig.

JJ watches her expression change from annoyance to concern. "J, what's wrong?"

"My dad...he came to see me at the château," JJ says while looking down and taking the twig from her hand. He walks back out on the balcony and throws it over the railing at the tree he just scaled. He feels like something in is on his hair and ruffles it up to make sure no bugs are crawling around. He fucking hates bugs.

"I know a place where we can talk, follow me," Kie says as he turns around and watches her stand on a chair and climb up onto the railing. As soon as she's about to lift herself onto the roof her foot slips.

"Kie," JJ yells, but not too loud to wake anyone up.

Kiara's heart drops as she feels herself slip, but that's not the only thing she feels. Her stomach burns as two hands are holding onto her waist keeping her from falling off her balcony. She spins around with JJ's hands still on her waist and they both laugh while looking at each other. Kie reaches up and this time picks out a leaf from his hair. She brings her other hand up and fixes his hair then places her hands on his shoulders.

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