chapter 12 - rooftop lullabies

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Y'all my computer hasn't let me write for the last two days. My wifi has also been such crap and Wattpad literally would not work on my computer so I'm sorry this took so long, but watt went wild :(((

2:36 in the video ;)

Other than that enjoy💕


Kie told her parents that she would drive separately so she could drop JJ off. He would have to come back the next morning to pick up his bike since there was no way her mom would let him ride there on his bike in the new suit.

"Just to make sure, you're not going to make me dance with you or anything, right? Because I thought we were supposed to stay secret and going together isn't very...secret," JJ asks Kie as she tries to find parking.

"Well, yeah we might dance, but as long as my parents know nothing about us I think we'll be okay. That means you can't get handsy."

"Me? Handsy?" JJ scoffs jokingly in disbelief. "How dare you assume I would touch my girlfriend inappropriately."

"Ugh, will you shut up and get out of the damn car," Kie says as she parks and unbuckles her seatbelt. JJ and her climb out of her car and start to make their way over to the entrance while holding hands.

"What if they don't let me in?" JJ whispers to Kie as they walk up the steps.

"Oh, will you calm down. You're my guest, I invited you."

"Uh, I'm like 99% sure you said that last time and they still proceeded to: throw me out," JJ says singing the last part.

"You'll be fine. Now, stand up straight and look like you won't cause any trouble."

"I don't think that's possible, baby," JJ says smirking as he wraps his arm around her, his hand squeezing her lower back. Kie slaps his hand away as they approach the entrance.

"Gosh, why do I like you again?" Kie mumbles under her breath as she digs in her purse looking for their tickets. The lady at the front table watches her and keeps looking back at JJ like she recognizes him. Kie finally gets the tickets at the bottom of her purse and hands them to the lady and apologizes since she's embarrassed she took so long. Social anxiety at it's finest. JJ grabs Kie's arm and wraps it around his as someone ushers them to go into the building.

"What do you do when we see Pope?" JJ whispers to Kie as they look through the crowd for their friend.

"He knows we came together so, just act like we usually do. It's not that hard," Kie whispers back turning to look at him. When she turns back she starts to freak out quietly, "Ow, shit. Fuck, fuck."

"What?" JJ asks worryingly.

"Something got into my eye, ow fuck. I feel like it's cutting my eye open," Kie says as her eye starts to water. JJ grabs her hand and tells her to follow him. She does so and lets him drag her through the endless halls and down the stairs to what she could only think were one of the staff bathrooms. Since Heyward Seafood was catering the kitchen bathrooms were empty. When they reach the bathroom counter JJ turns her around so he can have a better look. Kie looks up and JJ gently blows into her eye.

"Does that feel better? Did it work?" JJ asks Kie.

"It does, but I still feel like there's something in there. Crap, I might have to run it under the water even though it'll probably mess up my stupid makeup. This is why I hate wearing makeup. It gets messed up too easily," Kie says as JJ holds her hair so she can rinse out her eye. When she leans back up, standing straight again JJ is there with a paper towel and pats around her eye gently trying to keep her makeup intact as much as possible. Kie watches him bite his lip in concentration like he always does. She had always noticed he did that, but this was the first time she saw him do it while looking at her. A blush crept onto her face and JJ notices, but before he can say anything Kie smashes her lips on his and JJ responds ever so fervently by kissing her back.

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