chapter 8 - who's julianne?

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Hey beauties, sorry this took so long but I love you guys so much. Thank you for all of the feel better messages they were really unexpected and it means a lot that so many of y'all care about my health. At least enough for me to finish the story lol.

Btw notice in the jiara edit that jj is always looking at kie in 'that way' ugh love them !



"J," Kie whispers in his ear while she runs her hands through his hair. He couldn't believe his luck. This girl is in every way his dream girl. From the way she laughs at his stupidity to her calling him on his bullshit. Kiara is the only girl for him. He knew this as soon as he first saw her.

It was the first day of eighth grade and JJ, John B, and Pope had been planning on skipping to go surfing. Their summer had gotten cut short since Heyward wanted Pope to start to 'take some responsibility' and help out his business. JJ insisted that child labor was illegal, but Pope kept having to blow them off. As payback, they decided to cut class early. JJ's idea of course.

They had ridden their bikes to school so then they could just leave from there. JJ and John B always rode their bikes, but Pope's mom would drop him off. He had finally gotten a bike for his birthday after pleading with her that he would always wear a helmet and look twice before crossing the road.

As soon as the bell rang for their last class, which they all had together, the boys ran out to the front of the school where their bikes were. They were trying to be quick, but also discrete since they didn't want to seem suspicious.

"So, where are you boys sneaking off to?"

JJ turns around to see one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen. Her long dark curly hair flowing in the wind like she was a weeping willow swept in a summer breeze.

"Y'know the usual. Going to go report back to the police that there are a few suspected dealers on school grounds and that we'll need a couple more days to get the evidence necessary to turn them in," JJ says while trying to sound cool. He hadn't seen her in any of his classes, what a shame, but he was glad to see her now.

"Oh, well, how 21 Jump Street of y'all, but where are you really going?" the girl says.

"To surf at the beach," Pope says slightly nervous that a girl was talking to them and could turn them in for skipping.

"Wanna come?" John B asks. JJ and Pope both look at him like he is insane, but he shrugs and they all look back at her expectantly.

"Sure, why not? This place is already draining the life out of me. I'm Kiara," Kiara says as she walks up to the bike rack and unlocks her bike then hops on the seat.

"I'm JJ, that's John B, and this is Pope," JJ says as the boys get on their bikes as well and JJ starts to lead them to the beach.

"Wait, Pope like the Pope?" Kiara asks curiously.

"Yeah, I have no idea what my parents were thinking," Pope explains as he peddles to catch up with the rest of them.

That day was the day they became complete. It's not that they had been missing someone the whole time, but when Kie joined, they unspokenly knew that they were whole. And thus the pogues were officially the pogues.

JJ wakes up from his dream of Kie. Now she had been in his dreams constantly. As if he couldn't get enough of her. He smiles at the way Kie was kissing him in his dream. His heart flutters just thinking about it, he texts her that she should come over since he misses her. She tells him that she's working at the Wreck and he would have to wait. JJ groans annoyed that he'll be without her for a few more hours, so he decides to go on a walk.

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