chapter 6 - sickeningly sweet

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Feel free to watch the best of Jiara's banter that I attempt to recreate. Also complete proof as to why Jiara is endgame.


"Hello, you have reached the Routledge residence this is their housekeeper Esmeralda speaking, how may I be of service?"

"JJ, oh praise God you finally picked up. I tried this phone last night, but no one picked up. This the only number I actually have memorized...JJ? Hello? It really is us JJ. John B and Sarah. I know this is gonna sound insane, but we woke up after the storm floating on the underside of the Phantom. Sorry about the boat by the way. Thanks to the lifevests we had on we survived the storm. We were picked up by a boat heading to Nassau, so that's where we are." John B tells JJ while Kie listens. They're both quiet for a moment processing everything that their presumed dead friend just told them. Kie grabs the phone putting it on speaker so they both could hear properly.

"Hi, Kie here. Uh, so the thought never crossed your minds that your three best friends would be mourning your deaths? You never thought to contact us, oh I don't know...TWO MONTHS AGO?" Kie is feeling lots of emotions right now. Glad, angry, heartbroken, still confused over what just happened with JJ.

"Kiara, it's not like that. We've been trying to get ahold of you guys ever since we docked. This is our first time getting through," Sarah says on the other line.

"We thought you were both dead," Kie says again as JJ wraps his arms around her to comfort and calm her down.

"Well, JB. You've had two months to think of a plan. Let's hear it-" before JJ can finish the line clicks dead. No, the home phone dies. "You've got to be shitting me," JJ says getting up to find the charging port for the home phone he never even knew John B had. After a minute of moving around all the junk in the house, he finally finds it in Big John's office. Of course, it's in the place we were never allowed into, JJ thought. He walks back into the living room to see Kie getting ready to leave.

"Hey, you're just going to leave without saying goodbye?"

"No, of course not, I'm not gonna pull a Houdini," Kie says smirking at him. JJ chuckles while walking up to her. He takes her hands in his and brings them up to his lips and kisses them.

"We're not done here, but I guess it can wait for tomorrow given John B and Sarah just pulled a Jesus, resurrecting, and shit."

Kie gasps. "Did you just curse and say Jesus in the same sentence? For shame, Maybank."

"Oh if that's the case then punish me," JJ says with a joking, yet serious expression.

"All right, that's it I'm leaving," Kie says as she drops his hands and walks to the door. Just as she opens it JJ's hand pushes it closed again.

"Hey, I still didn't get a goodbye kiss," JJ says turning his cheek for her to kiss him. Kie rolls her eyes but goes to kiss his stupid cheek anyways. Right as she's almost to his cheek he moves and she kisses him on the lips. Kie pushes him back annoyed while JJ laughs.

"Gosh, you are so annoying," she mumbles as she opens the front door and walks to her car. "Nonconsensual!" she yells back at him knowing he's at the door watching her.

"You weren't complaining 10 minutes ago!" JJ defends himself while Kie flips him off and drives away.

His best friend is alive and Kie not only didn't murder him for kissing her but actually kissed him back. Today turned out to be even better than JJ could have imagined.

As Kie drives away she smiles. Who would've thought that a guy she's been around for years could make her feel this...happy.


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