chapter 10 - storage closet

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So, tell me how for chapter 3 - north star I completely forgot that John B and Sarah kinda did something like that with the stars and whatever. I literally erased all their moments from my mind I-


Btw I love in scene from the picture that that's just Maddie and Rudy being best friends. I want that kind of friendship thx.

Enjoy :) 💕


JJ had been working for Heyward for the entire week. Long, exhausting days. Now he knew why Pope was never able to hang out that much. Heyward had him working every single second he could. JJ was so tempted to report him to child services, but then they would question his home life and he knew that would be an absolute disaster. Luckily, during one of his many trips to the country club this past week he was able to talk to the manager and get his old job back. Everything was starting to fit into their plan until he got a call from the police station.

They had told him that if he doesn't start making payments for his restitution soon they would have to put out a warrant for his arrest. The acting Sheriff, Shoupe, explained to him that all he needs to do is set up a payment plan so that they know he's at least doing something even if it is little payments. JJ texted Pope and Kie to meet him at the château so he could tell them what happened at the station. Kie texted back to meet at the Wreck instead since she was finishing her shift within the next hour and thought they could have dinner there since she knew JJ hadn't been eating properly it would be the perfect excuse to get him a nice meal.

JJ walks into the restaurant as soon as Kie is taking off her apron. He looks around and doesn't see Mike anywhere.

"Is your dad here?" he asks.

"No, he's out getting some things to restock. W-," but before Kie can ask why JJ swoops her into a hug and kisses her. Just one kiss, but it was so intense it left tingles on Kie's lips when he pulled away.

"Gosh, I needed that," JJ says while taking a deep breath of relief.

"J, what do you think you're doing? Anyone could've seen us. Are you out of your mind?" Kie says as she looks around and grabs his hand to pull him into the storage closet. He looks confused as he looks around at all the condiments, fruits, and vegetables they had stored. He had never been in there before. Kie smiles at him slightly amused at his curiosity. She uses her index finger to turn his face to look at her. He immediately reciprocates her amused smile with one of his own. Kie puts one hand on his cheek and uses her thumb to gently rub under his eye.

She remembered sometime last school year he had come into class with the faintest hint of a black eye, they had all asked what had happened but he brushed them off saying that he had run into a shelf or some shit without looking. They all knew that his dad was rough sometimes, but he hadn't hit his face where it was noticeable so they didn't think that much of it.

When she had seen him stand up in the hot tub two months ago she couldn't believe her eyes. Kie had never seen someone bruised like that. Of course, she had seen all the boys beat up from the fights they got themselves into throughout the years, but that time had been different. She knew he was broken inside and all the bruises only supported her theory so she did all she knew she could do. She held him like he was the most fragile and delicate thing on the planet. Like at any moment he could break. The way he fell into her arms broke her. His pain became her pain. She helped him carry his burden that day.

JJ continued to look down at her and his eye flicker to her lips. Kie suddenly crashes her lips onto his. She's so thankful he's no longer having to deal with his dad beating him. How dare he touch him anyways. Luke is so lucky to have such an amazing son and all he can do is get drunk and beat him? She uses her anger in their kiss and moves her hands to his back while he gently places her back on the storage closet door. Kie reaches under his shirt and slowly moves her hands up his back feeling his muscles tense at her touch. JJ lets out a small groan from the back of his throat then pulls back and rests his forehead down on hers.

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