chapter 9 - cinnamon sugar

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I didn't mean for this to look like a jjpope fanfic, but it kinda does because of the picture which makes me laugh for some reason cause I know Rudy and JD would love for them to get together.

Sorry this chapter took so long I'll be better I promise. And why is their ship jjpope wouldn't jope be better tf?

Enjoy💕 :)


"Hey boy, get your ass up, time for work."

Pope grumbles as he rolls out of bed. He was so sick and tired of waking up at the buttcrack of dawn to help his dad, but what choice did he have after blowing his chance for the scholarship. The last three months had been the craziest three months of his life. Although, he's good at school he never thought he would be so excited for things to actually get back to normal when school starts.

Ever since he found out that John B and Sarah are alive he's been trying to look on the bright side of things. Hopefully, he'll get to meet someone new. When Kie had broken things off with him almost two months ago he was able to let her go, but what he really needed was for someone else to take her place in his mind. She had been the model of the kind of girl he would want to be with, marry, spend the rest of his life with, but that model kind of broke his heart. He needed to find someone who could replace her. But how could someone replace Kie? Pope had that phrase repeating in his head often lately.

Pope gets up and starts to get ready for the long day ahead of him. Once they arrive at the dock, Pope gets the boat ready while his dad gets the bags for the deliveries they have to do before 7 AM.

"Hey, dreamboat, I'm here on time for once." Pope jumps and turns as JJ hops onto the boat with a couple of bags in each hand.

"JJ what the hell, you almost gave me a heart attack. Why are you even here?"

"Dude, you told me I had to work with your dad until school starts so here I am," JJ says while he bowing down jokingly.

"Oh right, well I don't know how you woke up since for the last, I don't know eighty-six years of our friendship not once have I seen anything wake you up. Didn't you sleep through Agatha and JB and I went surfing without you even though it was your fucking idea?"

"Yeah well it doesn't matter who woke me up all that matters is that I'm here and have to violate child labor laws all day thanks to your dad," JJ says while climbing back onto the dock to get more bags from Heyward. Pope rolls his eyes at what JJ said. For some reason, something was bothering him with how JJ said that. Not how he said it but what he said. JJ hops back onto the boat toting six bags this time.

"Uh, JJ, did someone woke you up this morning?" Pope asks looking at him kind of curious if his suspicions are right.

JJ's eyes shoot out of his head as he sets the bags down. He turns to look at Pope, "wait what makes you think someone woke me up?"

"I don't know you said 'who' rather than 'how' and I just thought you were with someone," Pope shrugs while starting to boat. He knew that with JJ helping, they would be going without his dad since he had more bags to pack for them later in the day.

"You make it sound like it's a big deal, but nah. Well, not technically. I got a dog."

"You've got to be joking. You did not get a dog."

"No, look I totally did. See," JJ unlocks his phone and goes to his photos to show him Ammo. "His name's Ammo," JJ smiles cheekily now that he finally got a dog. The closest he ever had to a pet was John B's rooster...the one he killed...

"Seriously JJ? Ammo?"

"Yes, seriously. I don't know why you have to give me that look," JJ says flatly while flipping through a few pictures he took of Ammo. His heart drops when he sees the picture he took of Ammo laying on Kie. They were cuddling when JJ got back from using the bathroom last night he couldn't help take a picture of them both asleep.

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