~An Unfair Feeling~

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-Nene's POV-

A text? I was sitting in my room, salmon wallpaper with a marble floor. I was on my bed, with mint colored pillows and white blankets. A small wooden drawer sat by me, on my left. My wardrobe sat on my right. I picked up my phone, seeing it was from Amane I brightened up a lot more. I just don't know why.

"Hey, Nene! Thanks for delivering that letter! Me and Tsukasa added ourselves back to the group chat, even though it was stupid. No offense or anything! But, we're accepting your apology. We told Ao-chan and Mei-chan about it, so we all decided tomorrow that we'll meet up at the school. Since it's closed Thursday, Friday, and Saturday because of storms." I muttered to myself.

I'm officially super happy about tomorrow! Meeting up with all of my friends! It'll me super fun, and I know it! Hopefully we're not all that weird. Since it's supposed to storm, I'll have to wear a rain coat, rain boots, and bring an umbrella. I'll bake cookie for everyone, and because I'm nice; doughnuts for Amane-kun.

I got the doughnut batter ready first, since it was easier to find. I shaped the doughnuts and stuck them in the oven. I grabbed a sparkling lime water from the cabinet and sighed. Now to wait for the doughnuts to be done. Ring! The doughnuts were done now, I opened the oven, avoiding the puff of warm air. Then, grabbed the doughnuts. I then bought cookies because I couldn't find any ingredients.

-Tomorrow, Amane's POV-

I waited by the school entrance with Tsukasa. Tsukasa was playing Duck Life 4 and I was reading a newspaper. It was really interesting actually. It was talking about urban legends. A bathroom ghost named Hanako-san. Looked cool, maybe when I die I could try becoming another version of Hanako-san.

I saw Ao-chan, Mei-chan, and Nene-chan gossiping. Nene-chan looked like a freaking tomato. It was funny, I almost burst into laughter.  It looked like Mei-chan and Ao-chan were insulting her, or gossiping about a boy. Maybe they are? There's plenty of hot boys at the school that girls are all over.

"Hey, girls! Who're you talking about?" I asked, waving.

"No one!" Mei-chan said confidently.

She's lying, I can tell. I've always been a person to see through lies.

"Who is it? Tell me." I said, my gaze darkening a bit.

I could feel my brother's warning gaze on me. It was pressuring me to stop, but I couldn't help it.

"Okay, okay..." Ao-chan muttered, then Nene-chan gave her a sharp glance, girls are so odd.

"Someone flustered?" I asked, directly to Nene-chan.

"E-Eh?! What're you even talking about?!" Nene-chan looked at me, I just laughed.

"What're you laughing about?!" She said, blushing.

"You're freaking adorable when you're flustered." I said, smiling.

"You two are so adorable together." Ao-chan said.

"Shut up, Ao-chan!" Nene-chan shouted,

"Okay, okay." Ao-chan said.

"What're we doing?" Tsukasa looked bored.

"Dunno." I said laughing.

"To hang out." Mei-chan suggested.

"Smart." I said, "Let's do that. Inside?" I said.

We all went inside the school. I looked at the staircase and ran up, ducking under the tape the prohibits students from going onto the roof.

"Amane-kun! What're you doing?" Nene-chan asked, peeking over the tape.

I turned my head and smiled, "I'm allowed up here. If I'm here you guys can."

"O-okay." Nene-chan stepped over the tape, and I helped them all up onto the roof.

I looked over at Nene-chan to see her face. Her face was stunned and her eyes shone. The wind softly blew on her hair. She's one in a million, she's special. It's such an unfair world. Such an unfair feeling known as 'love'. It makes you believe in such things as peace and that the world is a wonderful place. No choice but to love someone. Nene-chan is the Sun to me. She shines brightly and I'm there, barely noticeable against the many things the Sun shines on.

"Nene-chan." I looked at her.

"Hm?" She looked right back at me.

"Did you know the moon is a natural satellite?" I asked.

"No, thank you for telling me, Amane-kun." She said, smiling.

"Anytime." I replied, grinning.

"Amane-kun, what do you think will happen when you die?" Nene-chan asked me.

"Everyone will go to my funeral that I invite. Then, I'll go off into the far shore." I answered her question honestly.

"Have you ever thought of the red string?" Nene-chan's cheeks were dusted with blush when she asked this.

"Of course I have. I believe in soulmates, the supernatural's are all real to me." I replied.

"When do you think you'll met yours?" She asked me.

"I already did, and I don't know why anyone wouldn't love her." I answered looking at the sunset.

"She's lucky." Nene-chan said, "You're a good person, Amane-kun. Why you're a freak I will never know. But one thing's for sure is that anyone who you love is lucky."

"Well then you're lucky..." I'd mutter, barely audible.

"Hm?" Nene-chan looked at me curiously.

"Nothing, we should head back now." Amane said.

**Author's Notes: This was a very short chapter, I apologize! I couldn't think of anything else fitting in with the chapter. The next chapters will be more rushed because pf the vacations I talked about. Baii!~ ♥**

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