~Scared By A Fair~

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~Nene's POV~
Me and my friends started to walk in the fair, I stayed closer to Amane-kun because he looks strong, so he can protect me from the monsters. I looked around and saw dozens of people. Everyone looked so excited, even the little kids who are here.

"How are the little kids enjoying themselves when there're monsters around?" I asked quietly.

"Probably because they know the monsters' secret." Amane-kun looked at me and replied.

I could tell by the look of his eyes he was keeping something from me. I want to know what it is.

"What's their secret?" I asked.

"They know how to avoid them and not get scared." Amane-kun glanced behind him.

"How?" I asked.

"They look behind them every so often so no one can sneak up behind them. I've done that method since I was younger, I've always been fine." Amane-kun looked at me with a small smile.

I'm pretty sure he didn't really smile in front of me unless it was a worried one, or that one time where my mom mistook him for my boyfriend. That was so weird. But, seeing him smile like that did feel different. Like he was actually enjoying himself. That made me happy, because he was having fun.

"A haunted house!" Mei-chan pointed out a haunted house with a green spider that was labeled, 'House of Wolves' and I stared at it in dismay.

"Yay...~" I sarcastically said.

Ao-chan giggled a bit then glared at me kindly, "You can stay between us. There's four more of us, Mei-chan can be in front, I can be on your left, Tsukasa-kun can be in the back, and Amane-san can be on your right while your in the middle." She said with a tone of sweetness.

I nodded as we all got in out positions. I really just felt like they were my bodyguards, but I did feel safe. I'm not really bothered by it much. We went in the haunted house line. Around 30 minutes later, a person let us in. The house had scratches everywhere and people with wolf heads and paws jump-scared us, I found them more cute than frightening.

The next haunted house we went to was at sunset and it had a red skull, indicating it was very scary, it was labeled 'Slaughterhouse' which we went in the same position. Turns out I screamed bloody murder, running out of the thing faster than light. When we left a worker came up to me and talked while waiting for everyone else to come out.

"So, Nene-san. You must be scared easily?" The worker asked, they were female.

"Yes, I am. It's hard to do haunted houses." I said.

"Yeah, that's why I work here, I don't get scared by the monsters." She said.

"That's so cool, what else do you do?" I asked.

"Operate rides, which I should get back to doing. Bye, Nene-san." She waved and went off to the rides.

I waited another five minutes then saw Amane-kun running to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, wide-eyed.

"Yeah... Where're the others?" I asked.

"They headed off to another haunted house, I said I wouldn't go so I can take you on rides instead of those horrifying things." He replied.

"Really?" I said, glad someone cared.

"Yeah! No big deal, rides are better than walking through houses with scary people." Amane-kun agreed.

"Let's go ride... That one?" He pointed to a big roller coaster that was called, 'Rip Ride Rocket' I stared for a bit, then nodded.

We walked to the ride, and got in line. We waited for about an hour before finally getting to the loading deck.

-After The Ride-

"That was super fun, Amane-kun!" I said, excited.

"Indeed it was, Nene-chan." Amane-kun agreed.

"There's Mei-chan, Ao-chan, and Tsukasa-kun!" I said, running to my other friends and Amane-kun followed nearby.

"What a bust without you two!" Mei-chan said, laughing.

"Yeah!~" Ao-chan and Tsukasa-kun agreed.

"Sorry about that, but I got scared and Amane-kun cares..." I muttered.

Tsukasa-kun did a weird face and Amane-kun looked like he was going to kill him. Those two are so weird.

"What is up with those two?" I asked Mei-chan and Ao-chan, hoping they'd know something.

They just shrugged in reply.

"Well, okay then." I sighed, looking at the twins.

"Hm?" Amane-kun looked at me.

"Nothing!" I said quickly.

Amane-kun looked away for a bit, "I'm going to get snacks, what do you all want?" He suddenly said.

"Chili cheese fries!" Mei-chan said.

"Strawberry filled rice cakes." I said.

"I'm good for now." Ao-chan said kindly.

"Nothing." Tsukasa-kun said, shrugging.

"Okay, I'll be back." Amane-kun rushed to the restaurant.


-An Hour Later-

"Amane-kun isn't done yet?" I muttered.

"Yes... Nene-chan, you should go check on him." Tsukasa-kun looked at me, smiling,

"Okay..." I'd mutter.

I walk over to the restaurant, and sigh before walking in. Amane-kun was talking to two other boys, one blond hair one, and a pink-haired one. Then, he saw me.

-Amane's POV-

What is she doing here?!

"How long have we been talking for, Kou-kun?" I asked my friend urgently.

"An hour-ish, why?" Kou-kun replied.

"A girl, that's why." My other friend, Mitsuba said, pointing to Nene-chan.

"Don't point! That's disrespectful and we're just friends!" I said quickly, flustered.

"Whatever." Mitsuba said, rolling his eyes at me.

"Nene-chan, hey..." I said coolly, with a reassuring smile.

Nene-chan walked a bit closer to me and my friends, then looked directly into my soul. I found it creepy. Is she mad? Did I do something wrong?

"Amane-kun, who are they?" Nene-chan finally asked, pointing to my friends.

"Kou-kun, is the blonde one." I said, signalling for him to wave, "And the pink-haired one is Mitsuba-kun," I said, signalling for him to wave.

Luckily they were both kind when they smiled and waved. I appreciate Mitsuba-kun and Kou-kun, they're super nice. I just wish they'd stop acting like a couple, unless they are.

"Nice to meet you, Kou-san and Mitsuba-san." Nene-chan bowed.

"I'll order the food now, Nene-chan." I said, going to finally order.

-A Few Minutes Later-

Me and Nene-chan walked out of the restaurant, talking trying to fine Mei-chan, Ao-chan, and Tsukasa.

"Hey, guys!" Nene-chan said, running to Mei-chan, Ao-chan, and Tsukasa to give them a hug.

"Welcome back, after this we should all go home." Mei-chan said, sadly.

"Okay, can we all exchange numbers so I can make a group?" Tsukasa asked.

"No!" Me and Nene-chan both said at the same time.

I'm pretty sure we both know what we're thinking. That chat was freaking awkward.

"Aw, okay..." Tsukasa hung his head low.

"See you guys at school tomorrow!" Tsukasa said, I waved with him as we all departed.

Tomorrow maybe we could all meet up in town?

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