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오전 2 07

"Come on, it's already past midnight, nobody will find us there," Yeoji dragged me to the certain dumpling shop with a huge bag of spray paints. It was already closed, of course, leaving the metal shutters closed as well. "Just imagine this is Art class, okay?" Soo sprinted ahead, also carrying some cans of spray paint.

"You sure we're not gonna get caught?" I asked again and they shook their heads. "Why do you want to do it here anyway?" I watched as they sprayed literally random shapes and lines on the metal shutters, covering my nose because of the unpleasant smell. "This dumpling shop is owned by Soo's ex who scammed her. That bastard stole every penny in one of her bank accounts." Yeoji replied.

I chuckled, crossing my arms over my chest, "That's why you shouldn't trust older men." Soo rolled her eyes and sprayed a huge X on the shutters, along with some curse words too. People barely passed by the place but there were still some. I was getting a bit worried because any one of them might have called the police.

Not too long after, I heard a siren and the voice in my head told me to run. "Run!" Yeoji exclaimed before we ran into every direction, not caring how we lost each other just to lose the police who was probably running after us. I was running out of breath as I hid behind a dumpster. Too my misfortune, one cop caught up with me and I was taken to the nearest station.

It was weird to be inside a police station, and maybe a bit frightening, but the fact that I knew I could pay myself out of here somehow calmed me. Soo was also caught, while Yeoji was nowhere to be found. She probably escaped or got home by now, while we're stuck here. I kept explaining that I did not lay a hand on those paint cans, but they never believed me. Soo had called her brother who was kind enough to bail her out. And you guessed right, I was left there alone.

Calling my parents wasn't a choice, so I thought of disturbing the Jimin, of course, because why not. I had no one else to call and he's probably asleep by now, but I think I have the permission to wake him up because I'm already becoming a pro at annoying him. He'll have to get used to it.

I asked the police to call his number and it took a while for him to answer but for some reason, he did answer. "This is from the police station, Miss Kim Yunseo here is asking you to come take her. I believe you're her guardian? She was vandalizing someone's property with her friends." I wasn't! After almost a minute, the policeman handed me the telephone and I spoke to him instead. 

"Jimin—" I was cut off by him saying, "I'm hanging up." This has to work, I had to make it work. "Jimin-ah, please bail me out, I just want to go home. I don't want to stay here it's scary."

"Bail yourself out since you're having fun recklessly." He said in a raspy voice with almost no emotions. More drama, perhaps? "Pleaseee, just this time! Please, I didn't even touch the paint can. I can't let my parents know about this, they're gonna disown me. You're my only hope, pleaseee—" The call was ended. I guess I might have to stay the night here. I sat on the bench, hugging my knees as I leaned on the wall. Never in my life did I imagine that I'd spend more than a minute inside a police station.

Twenty minutes or so had passed and I wasn't able to fall asleep or anything. It was uncomfortable not being home. I closed my eyes for a while and somewhere around after five minutes, I felt a hand on my wrist. "Wake up, woman." It was Jimin.

"You came," My eyes widened, looking up at him. I stood up and followed him to his car. "I'll pay you back later, I'll wire you the money." Jimin scoffed, "You better do, it's so expensive." I noticed that his eyes were still very puffy and that wasn't surprising because the sun was just about to rise by now.

"Also... have you gone crazy? You even got me into your mess. This is the first and last time I'm going to save you." He said in a furious tone, driving through the quiet highway. "Correction, it's not the first time. The pub, remember? You technically saved me from those perverts so..."

"Yeah right. Shut it now... I'm trying to drive here after someone made me wake up at 3am in the morning." He said in a sarcastic tone. I chuckled nervously, "I wonder who... do you want a kiss? Is that enough to make you stop whining?"

"Shut it before I drop you off back at the police station." Jimin sounded quite annoyed, and I could tell very well. "Okay okay, sorry, jagiya~"

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"Now you know where I live, so you can come over whenever you wanna see my pretty face. Oh, and unblock my number so I can send you the details and then pay you back." I gave him a winning smile as he could only stare, or more like glare at me. He has to do it now, or else he might go bankrupt.

"Fine. Go." He gestured his hand, telling me to get inside the gates. I entered the code and then opened the gate, looking back at him one last time. Grinning widely, I blew a kiss and then went in, closing the gate behind me.

they say annoyance
often grows
into something
you'll find yourself
looking for.

Chasing After The Wind  [P.JM]Where stories live. Discover now