Message from Tristam

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There is a young woman with the name Maria who rode a rowboat, all the way to the misty islands where the man named Tristam who built his dream himself, but then he left the islands and his dreams are left to ruins.

People loved him such as her and admire for his doing, now they missed him and waited for his return.

Maria finally arrives at the old coast at the very heart of the islands, the place where she may put her letters in a stoned mailbox, where Tristam could probably read her letters and give her a reply with his letter.

The mailbox is big and square, there are makings of his logos from new to old, a small long rectangle hole in the middle, and a lid that can move by hand.

She took a breath when she placed her hands to the mailbox, she moves the lid and looks into the box.

There is a dirty white envelope inside, his name is written in Victorian and italic hybrid cursive on the back of the envelope and his logo, she picked that up and puts back the lid.

She opens the flap of the envelope and saw the folded paper inside, she pulls out and unfolds the paper, she read what it says in the paper.

Thank you, Maria, for checking on me, I'm doing okay, I hope you're safe too.

Regards, Tristam.

Maria smiles at his letter, his short message gives her relief, all it matters to her is Tristam is doing okay.

Maria puts back the paper in the envelope and put it into her sling bag that she carries through her journey.

She goes to back to her rowboat and leave the islands, there is no time for her to wander the islands, all it matters to her is him living in the islands, hiding to make something to give his admires his greatest return.

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