The power of Monstermeme tracks (Monstercat and Evil Cat shorts)

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The battle between Monstercat, a heroic rebel of earth, and an evil emperor of Felitherma, Evil Cat, in the wrecked city of Vancouver, the emperor won the battle and he abducts the rebel with the ship of his soldiers.

Evil Cat thought this a victory for him and his clowder, but somehow it wasn't satisfied.

He keeps asking himself when he was started to follow the eyeless rebel on earth, why does this cat wearing headphones all the time, and he thought that this is a source of his power when they are fighting in battle on earth.

Evil Cat goes to the cell and grabs Monstercat's headphones before he came back home to his palace.

But before the emperor grabs Monstercat's headphones, the eyeless rebel already knew that Evil Cat is going to grab his headphones, so he deletes all of the tracks inside of his headphones.

Except for the Monstermeme tracks, the tracks that contain the power that can make a Monstercat laugh to death, instantly.

The power that is overwhelming for someone who is not into memes and music in a comedic sense and taste.

Monstercat knew that the power can't control, contain, enhance, and embrace when it was held by Evil Cat because only the eyeless rebel and his companions can have the power, no one else.

If he holds that power, he'll regret himself later on... And brings himself into misery.

He'll let Evil Cat have his headphones and do the power of Monstermeme tracks do the work.

In Felitherma, the evil emperor drags the eyeless rebel around his palace and throws him into the maximum windowless titanium prison with walls of thorns, inside of his dungeon.

Monstercat's skin is pierced by those thorns, then he fell down on the floor, bleeding, almost got paralyzed.

"You'll... Going to... Regret this" the eyeless rebel mutter in pain in Felithermainan language, glance at the evil emperor smiling down at him, then Evil Cat kicks Monstercat in the face and he was hit on the wall again.

The eyeless emperor comes closer to Monstercat and shows the headphones that are stolen from him, swings around like a wind chime.

"Look what I have you little bastard" he spoke in English, grabs the rebel's neck tight, and lifts him up to the ceiling, his blood dripping to the floor.

"Listen here Monstercat, I know what you are" Then he shows him the headphones, "Do you see this thing, I think I can have them" then he drops him on the floor to his feet.

Evil Cat wears his headphones in front of him on his ears "Even if it's a little bit big for me, it fits me", then Monstercat hides his smile and laughter on the floor.

The evil emperor grabs the fur on his forehead and drags to his face, the eyeless rebel stops laughing and gives him a smile, "Go on keep laugh at me, I'll have what's yours" then he throws him down and leaves the room.

He told his guards to beat up Monstercat, but not kill him, he only wanted him alive.

As he leaves the guards to his prisoner, he only hears beating and laugher echoes from the walls of the dungeon.

Evil Cat ignores what he hears and goes to his bedroom in his palace, he plays a song on the headphones... But it turns out to be a song from Tut Tut Child and Droptek called Drop that child.

The electronic orchestra began to plays in the headphones, then the build-up is beginning to rise and something that makes Evil Cat throws his headphones on the floor.

"Checking out that coleslaw," The vocals says.

Then the emperor cringe after the vocals and the drop "What the fu... What am I hearing", then another song play, and another song, until Evil Cat starts to scream that echoes outside of the walls of his palace that every clowder in this city heard.

Monstercat is still laughing in his cell.

Hours later at the throne room, the headphone is now inside of the soundproof glass cover on the table beside the throne of the evil emperor who is now felt in regret and despair.

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