Just a Fling

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11/15/2020; This story will be undergoing some very overdue editing starting today. Feel free to comment if you see a typo. Thanks!


This story is VERY mature. There won't be any warnings in the beginning chapters. So here is the warnings now;

-Mature content


-Sex/ LOTS of sex


-Assertive Male Lead


** After many not so lovely messages and comments(which broke my heart), I decided to add this warning; this story will end with a cliff hanger. The sequel is completed. But if that isn't what in you're in search of then my other erotic books will probably be better for you. Please, don't be an ass at the end chapter because you've been warned.**

This is just something I started writing and enjoyed. It's the first smut I ever published on Wattpad and now, thanks to all you lovely readers, currently have a few newer ones in my library if you'd like to check them out. I never imagined this story getting over 1million views (and growing) I appreciate your love and outreach of support. And to all you FTR, buckle in for the ride. <3

Enjoy and thanks so much for reading,

LAneFields a.k.a Lishy xx

*One year ago*

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*One year ago*

I ran my fingers through my frizzed and out of control hair, pulling the ends to cover the side of my neck. Even if I couldn't see it, I knew the bruises were still there. My dry throat ached remembering last week.

The last time my ex would put his hands on me again over an argument as simple as leaving laundry on the ground. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get away from his psychotic ideations of what a relationship was. No matter how 'sorry' he said he was or how it 'won't happen ever again.'

I trusted him over and over. Giving him my all, just for me to get pushed around like a rag doll when things didn't go his way.

Yes, it was difficult leaving him. We had good times in our relationship, hell, we were together for five years! It wasn't until a year ago that he started being physically abusive. And now that I look back, he was always mentally abusive. Controlling who my friends were, getting upset when I'd go out, and so much more.

I bit my lip, shaking the memories away. I couldn't think about him right now. I need to move on, to worry about me.

My hand curved into a fist, gently knocking on the door in front of me. The house wasn't close to the university, about a thirty minute drive, but the rent was cheap. Something I could afford while I found a job and continued to go to school.

Loud voices hushed each other before the door swung open. A young man, probably around my age stood with a toothy smile. He looked built, almost frat-like, with his hair cut exactly like every other man in school.

I don't care if it was mean to think that. But he looked like he belonged to a frat house! His looks alone could wet a woman's panties, though. I'd be lying to say he wasn't attractive.

But that should be the last thing on my mind.

"You must be Ellie." He reached his hand out. "I'm Sam."

"Hey." I awkwardly shook his hand back, trying to mimic his smile.

His brown eyes glanced at my body, up and down. Maybe it was my dwindling self confidence but I could have sworn he stopped at my neck. His smile faded slightly and I knew I had to keep the conversation going before I wanted to just run away.

Running from my problems seem to be my forte at this point in my life.

"You have the room for rent, yes?" I asked, adjusting my hair to cover my neck again.

Please, stop examining me like I'm a test subject. I internally groaned, hoping he would just speak already.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry! Come in." Sam motioned me through the house.

He explained how much the rent was and how they pay bills. Yes, they. I'd be living with two guys. Sam and Jacob. And as Sam put it, occasionally Jacob's girlfriend.

"This would be your room." Sam opened the bedroom door, exposing a pretty decent sized room. My eyes gaged every corner, trying to picture the furniture I hadn't even purchased yet sitting there. I ventured around even opening the closet door to find just a basic space.

It wasn't the most beautiful or intriguing room I had looked at but it seemed the most home-y. One I could stay in for a bit until I was on my own two feet.

"There's a washer and dryer in the basement and we all just clean up after ourselves." He shrugged, letting me take my time.

Deep down, I dreaded the thought of having roommates. Especially two guys I don't know. But I don't have much of a choice. It's either this or continue living at my Dads until I could save enough for an apartment.

And living with my father right now wasn't an option. Not with his overbearing, overprotective persona he had adapted to after finding me in the hospital.

"When can I move in?" I smiled at him, hiding my nervousness by fiddling my fingers behind my back.

"Now." Sam laughed, giving his cheeky smile again. "If you need help moving stuff in, I got a few friends."

I couldn't help but want to hug him. He doesn't even know that he's my savior. Or maybe he does. Maybe I looked more of a mess than I thought I did.

"I don't have much. I'll probably order one of those box beds." I hummed with a real smile etching to my face.

"You could put it between the two windows. Or, or! Over here under the angled ceiling." Sam chimed back, amused by my sudden enthusiasm.

"I could picture banging my head on it every morning." I groaned, just making him laugh again.

God, he had a mesmerizing laugh.

"So it's settled? You're our new roommate." Sam extended his hand again as deal maker.

I couldn't get my lips to move as I shook his hand back.

I'm free.

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