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Maddox POV

It was almost time to pick Ellie up from work. To be honest, I had been counting down the hours. I couldn't wait to see her blue eyes light up as she looked me up and down. She could hide it as much as she wants but I could see it. The hunger and desire in that little twinkle when she checks me out.

Everything about her makes me hard. The way her naturally wavy hair falls down to her mid back makes me want to just grab a handful and throw her on top of me. Her feisty attitude when she tells me off and her sexy confidence just a major bonus.

I threw my head into my couch, closing my eyes and picturing her riding me. Just like she did in this exact spot.

But nothing beats making her at a loss for words. I've never gotten a girl flowers before. At least, not for some time. And knowing it made her tongue tied - god she was so cute when at a lose for words.

I promised myself I'd do it more often just to see her flustered the next time she saw me.

I never wanted a girl so bad in my life. Not just sexually, no. I wanted her mind, her heart, all of her. All at the same time. I want her bossing me around on a daily basis, giving me sass about every little thing. I craved waking up with her in my arms, hearing her rough voice grumble about not being a morning person. Only to kiss her so softly she forgets it's even morning.

My hand pressed down the growing bulge in my pants at merely the thought of Ellie being next to me. She's doing things to me that every man wishes a girl could do.

My father always told me when I found the one I'd know. That she'd make me crazy and happy all at the same time. I didn't know what he meant until I met Ellie. Even just watching her from afar in class proved to me how badly I needed her. I'd catch myself watching her doodle in her notepad mindlessly, listening to the soft sighs leave her lips and just begging to know what she was thinking about.

I felt like a stalker for the longest time. Not sure how to approach her and honestly, nervous to make the first move.

And I wasn't a nervous guy.

It was just something about her that made me wait. Maybe it was the lack of attention she gave me, never looking my way on campus like most girls do. The way she automatically turned me down just made me crave her more.

My phone vibrated and I quickly grabbed it, thinking I would see that beautiful name pop up across the screen.

I groaned when it wasn't.

Fucking Addison was the worst thing I could have ever done. Sure, it was an easy lay and she was attractive. But that's all she was, an easy fuck now turned into a psycho that won't leave me alone. There was no emotion or desire between us. Just like all the other girls I had been with. Addison was the last one I messed around with. It was before I realized I didn't want to fuck around anymore. I was closer to thirty than I was twenty one at this point, there wasn't a reason to keep fucking around. I decided that I was finally going to make my move on the girl I had my sights on.

Thats when Ellie finally caved and gave me the attention I had been dying for, for months. I couldn't help but be a little pushy. She was so standoffish, refusing to even give me her name or the time of day. I knew it wasn't because she wasn't attracted to me. I've seen enough girls look at my body to know what she was thinking when she looked at me. Ellie just needed a little push to give me a chance. I didn't expect it to move so fast or to be begging for her affection. It just sort of, happened.

I wouldn't change it though. Hell, I'd get on my knees and kiss her a million times over if it meant she'd look my way.

And not for nothing, I may have been pushy but she brought up sex way before I did.

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