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I took a deep breath as I sat under a tree in the back of the university. Barely anyone came back here, only the nerdy kids I had befriended throughout the years.

I let my mind wander and my head rest against the ruff bark. I could call Lexi to vent but I'd just feel like burden and she's probably working since I'm not.

Other than that, I didn't have anyone close to me besides Sam. And he wouldn't be any help in this situation but I called him anyways.

With my lack of options, he was my only choice.

"Hello?" Sam answered, sounding as if he were busy.

"I think I bombed my test." I groaned.

"Ellie." Sam sighed. "I'm sure you did fine."

"Are you busy?" I felt bad and his short answers weren't making me feel any better.

"I'm at work but we have to talk about you and Maddox." He grumbled, obviously not happy with me. "Are you coming home tonight or are you sleeping at his house again?"

"Home." I sighed. "Is there something wrong with him? Does he have a secret life or something I should know about?"

Sam laughed, a deep throaty chuckle. "No, Ellie. He just, I'm just not sure if he's going to treat you well."

"He's being clingy. You're his cousin, is he like this with every girl?" I asked, tapping my fingers against my knee.

"Define clingy." Sam became serious. The movement in the background seized.

"I'm wearing his clothes, he introduced me to his friends-

"Jaxon and Tyler?" Sam interrupted me filled with surprise.


"Woah." Sam gawked, the movement in the background continuing. "Did you ask him to or.."

"I didn't even want to. I keep telling him I don't want a relationship. I'm not ready, Sam. Not after what I went through with Mason." The tears pricked my eyes. I wanted to cry knowing I allowed a man to ruin me. That my ex was able to weasel his way into my soul, corrupting me still.

"Ellie, Maddox is nothing like Mason. That's not what I'm worried about." Sam sighed, his voice lowering. "But if you aren't ready, he needs to accept that."

"What are you worried about then?" The tears escaped my eyes just as quickly as I wiped them away.

"I don't know anymore. I feel like we're talking about two different people." Sam chuckled. "Where are you?"

"I'm still at school. Hiding in my spot."

"I'll send Lexi to you, okay? I don't want you alone if you're upset." Sam's concern grew. He knew I was crying.

"No. I'll be fine. Thanks for being there, Sam." I closed my eyes tight.

"I really don't want you alon-

I hung up. Not wanting him to go into the whole speal of me crying in public. He wasn't against it, he just thinks I should have a shoulder to lean on when I get like this.

It doesn't happen often. I try to block Mason out of my mind as much as I could. But the pain is still there.

And looking at my neck this morning, seeing marks on it, even if it was from intimacy, took me back to the days Masons hand print would be there.

I could still hear his voice in my mind, yelling at me, telling me I'm worthless while he choked me until I passed out.

Five years of being with him. Having to listen to him degrade me verbally. Then a full year of smacking me around.

I had just started building my confidence and self esteem back up. I was starting to feel normal. I didn't like how controlling Maddox was being, it was too much like how Mason treated me.

I needed to end it with Max. No more hookups.

I took a deep breath, looking up to the blinding sun. Hoping it's rays would dry my tears away. After a ton of calming breathes, I felt like I could finally walk through campus without looking like a crying mess.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed towards Maddox's house, where my car was still parked.

A part of me wanted to see him. To talk to him. It seemed like our talks flowed so easily even with the short amount of time actually knowing one another.

But that small part of me, that still held onto my past, hoped I could sneak back home without seeing a soul.

When I got to Maddox's house, I saw his front door open. Just the screen keeping Dixie at bay. I sighed, fighting myself internally at my next move.

Somehow, I found my feet at his doorstep. My hand knocking at his door with Dixie pacing trying to get to me.

"Ellie." Maddox spoke as if stunned I was here.

"I'm sorry for leaving you back there. I just needed to clear my head." I bit my lip, watching him move towards me.

Maddox opened the screen, inviting me in but I couldn't move.

"I think I'm going to head home for the day." I barely whispered, feeling his disappointment radiate from his fallen face.

He gave a small nod and reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. "What's your number?" He asked, ready to type away.

I bit my lip while I told him it.

He stepped outside and pulled me into a hug. "I'll text you later." He whispered into my hair.

I gave Dixie some loving before I walked to my car. My heart aching, my mind numb. Why was I such a mess?

I was going to drive home but when I saw the coffee shop come into view, I knew I had to stop.

I ran in, only to find Lexi behind the counter. Her smile radiating, lighting up the whole cafe, until her eyes fell on me. She ran from the empty counter and jumped into my arms.

"Sam called me. I was so worried about you." Lexi held me tight, twirling our bodies into a spin.

"I told him not to." I groaned but just happy to have loving people in my life.

Lexi pulled away, her gaze landing on my neck resulting in a loud squeal.

"Oh my god. You didn't!" She gasped, her hands dramatically over her mouth.

"I did." I giggled, the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"I need all the deets!" She pulled me behind the counter where I sat on one of the stools. I spilled everything, every little detail. God, it felt so good to tell someone.

"Goddamn." She mumbled wide eyed. "Ten orgasms?"

"Something like that." I sipped an iced latte she made for me and scooped ice cream out of a container.

"It sounds like he's into you. Like hardcore." She whispered, not knowing who was listening.

"I know. I feel bad. I thought it would just be two adults having sex. To be honest, I thought I'd catch feelings first." I shrugged, sipping my drink.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked.

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