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My head pounded. The world wanted to spin around me. And my stomach, oh god my stomach.

I ran to the bathroom. Expelling all the liquor I had consumed last night. Everything ached as I sat on the cold floor with my back against the wall.

"Ellie!" Lexi practically screamed as she slammed my door open.

I grasped my pounding head with a groan. "Shhh."

Lexi completely ignored my pleads for quietness as she knelt beside me. "Ellie, you better fucking sober up now because I need you."

I pulled her arm so she was sitting next to me on the ground. I rested my head into her shoulder and she rested hers on my head. "What's wrong?"

"I think I'm pregnant, so I bought some tests and- and I don't want to do it alone." I could hear the tears in her words.

"Lex, it's not morning sickness if you drank last night." I mumbled, grabbing her hand and rubbing my thumb along her skin.

"It's not just that." She gulped, "I was supposed to get my period last week. I thought it was just late but it's seven days now."

My heart ached for her. I groaned a few swear words under my breath before pulling out my phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Telling Sam to bring me coffee and a cigarette so I could be a supportive friend instead of a raging bitch telling you to use birth control." I murmured before throwing my head back into the wall.

Lexi and I sat quietly on the bathroom floor. She couldn't pee yet. Something about the pressure I was putting on her.

She woke me up for this then can't piss.


Sam knocked on the door. In his hand a cigarette, lighter, an empty cup and a cup of coffee. "What's going on-"

I took everything from his hand before slamming the door shut in his face.

Everyone should know by now I am not a morning person. Especially hung over.

I'm trying only for Lexi's sake.

"Alright, squat into the cup." I handed it to her with a sigh then opened the bathroom window before lighting my cigarette.

"I'm sure you're just being paranoid." I rubbed her back as we waited.

"I hope so." She tried to take the cigarette from me but I swat her hand away.

"Absolutely not. Not until after we know for sure."

"Gee, what a great friend." She rolled her eyes. "It's been two minutes. You look."

I watched her wearily as she held her stomach. I picked up the stick and my heart sank. "Take another one." I demanded.


I sat with Lexi in the kitchen. She had stopped crying an hour ago but I could see her sulking. I begged her to tell Jacob but she was scared he'd leave her.

It took everything in me not to tell her that he planned to propose.

"Hey babe." Jacob entered with a smile, wrapping his arms around her body. "Where'd you go? You know I don't like waking up without you."

Lexi eyed me, begging for help.

"She was helping me with my hangover." I grasped the side of my head.

That's a lie. She was just adding to it. But I'd lie for her in a heartbeat.

"I'm going for a walk." I grumbled watching them hold each other, whispering about their bed related actions last night.

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