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I sat on his lap for what felt like ever just trying to breathe. Max's hands rubbed up and down my bare back. His face stuffed into my heaving chest with heavy breaths of his own.

I lifted my legs off of him, closing my eyes when he sharply inhaled when his cock was no longer inside of me. How could someone's breathing still turn me on after sex like that?

My legs felt like jello, swaying with each movement towards the fridge.

Maddox grabbed my hips and helped me stand. "How was that?" He asked, dipping his lips to my neck again.

"Do you really have to ask?" I laughed, leaning on the counter for support.

"I made you cum what, eight, nine times?" I could feel him smirking into my back as he left kisses everywhere.

"How long has it been since a mans pleased you?" He murmured.

I turned to face him, letting my fingers trail along whatever skin was exposed on him.

"Like that? Never." I bit my lip. "Too bad it was a one time thing." I winked.

Maddox furrowed his brows. "One time thing?" He repeated.

"Mhmm. One time moment of weakness." I admitted, pushing his chest away from me gently.

Maddox nodded, even when the fire in his eyes dimmed. He reached into the fridge and handed me a bottled water.

"You.. you are on the pill though." He stated but I could tell he was nervous. "I always wear a condom. I just.. I couldn't say no to you." He stammered and my heart ached.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.." I paused, looking to my feet. Oh have the tables turned. now I'm the pressuring jerk.

Maddox grabbed my lower back and pulled me into his chest. "Me? Uncomfortable inside your tight, wet pussy?"

I gulped audibly. My pussy throbbing in pain. I couldn't imagine fucking again but those words leaving his sexy lips turned me on.

"I can't." I chuckled, shaking my head to him.

"You said that after your first two orgasms." Maddox laughed back, amused that he pleased me so well.

"This time I mean it." I wagged a finger in the air and started to get redressed. I adjusted my shirt and grabbed my bag.

"Leaving?" Max frowned as he watched me pet Dixie.

"I gotta get home. We have that test tomorrow." I reminded him, confused as to why he'd want one of his fucks to stay.

"I thought we'd bring Dixie for a walk and then study." He walked over to me, holding my hips in place.

"I smell like sex and sweat." I rolled my eyes.

"I have a shower."

"My pants are wet and I don't have a change of clothes." I argued.

"I also have a closet filled with clothing." Max furrowed his brows. "Why do you think you could cum and leave?"

"Because that's what a one night stand is."

Max rolled his eyes, letting his smile fall. "Why are you so adamant on being just a fuck?"

"Oh please, Max. Like you'd want more. Everyone says you're such a player. Hell, you were even flirting with Maddison before we had sex. And you have a drawer of condoms in your kitchen. So why are you so keen on me staying?" I snapped.

Maddox took a few deep breathes and sighed. "Fine. Do whatever you want. Stay, don't stay. Whatever."

"Oh goddammit. Don't make me feel like shit now." I mumbled, looking to his hurt face.

"Then come on a walk with Dixie and me."

My eyes narrowed, watching him try to hide his smile. "You little.. fine. But I'm showering first."

"Fine with me." His smile grew.

"Alone." I demanded.

"Okay." He smiled harder.

"You are the most annoying thing."

"You've told me." He bit his lip, watching me cross my arms to him.

Maddox showed me to the bathroom and pulled a towel out for me. He left me there, surprisingly. I washed my body and sore clit with his soap, letting the hot water run over my sore skin. I sighed pulling my hair into a bun and stepped out, drying off in front of the mirror.

"Oh my fuck." I groaned looking at my neck. Hickies scattered everywhere, some already dark like a bruise. My face flushed at the thought of everyone seeing them.

Maddox knocked on the bathroom door and I opened it. Pointing to my neck with a frown.

Maddox tried to hide his smile as he handed me clothes. "Sorry, got lost in the moment." He shrugged and turned away, leaving me alone once again.

Fuck, what am I going to tell Sam?

I got dressed in the sweats and t shirt he gave me. Both a little too big but comfy. Then let my hair down, letting it cover some of the love marks Maddox oh so sweetly gave me.

"Ready?" Maddox asked, holding Dixie's leash in his hand. His eyes glancing over my body as if he were ready to pounce again.

We walked the block. Talking mostly about our classes and college. Maddox was about to finish with his Doctorate which is how I found out he's about to be twenty six. Two years older than me. He told me he had a younger sister my age, his parents were still together and owned part of the college.

It made me not want to open up about my broken home and past life. It seemed he had it all compared to me.

"So what about your parents?" Max asked as we continued walking.

"Not much to say. My mom left before I was even in school. It's just been my dad and I." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry." Max placed a hand to the small of my back, letting his thumb rub small circles.

"Eh. It's whatever."

"Are you from around here?" He continued prying for information.

"Born and raised in New York for most of my life. Then traveled my teen years. Moved to Florida for college."

Maddox laughed. "New York. Makes sense."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The way you say dog and coffee. It's like you add vowels in the word." Maddox laughed harder.

"Dog." I repeated.

"Dawg." Maddox chuckled, mocking me.

"Oh shut up." I smiled up to him, watching the way his lips curve upwards exposing all his teeth. Maddox saw me staring and turned to me, letting our chests flush against one another. My heart raced as he reached his lips to mine, lingering so closely.

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