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"I'm sorry." I spoke first, getting lost in those forest fire orbs of his. "You seem like a great guy and I've just been a complete bitch."

"You have been." Maddox frowned in agreement. His hand still dig deep in his pockets.

Well, way to agree so quickly.

"The way you treat me, scares the shit out of me. Not in a bad way. It's just I've been through a lot and I know that's not an excuse but I can't imagine having to go through something like that again." I admitted feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

Maddox sighed. "I should have told you that I knew but your past doesn't matter to me. I've wanted you since the day I laid my eyes on you."

"You mean my bra." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Maddox shook his head. His strong hands finding my waist and pulling our bodies flush together.

"Six months ago you walked in late to the first day of Nedsworth's lecture. Your hair was tied up in a bun. You wore one of Sam's Nirvana sweaters with a hole in the stomach and the forged signature that he won't admit is totally a fake." Maddox let out a small laugh. "You looked exhausted, like you had been through hell the night before. You shuffled through your bag for a pen but couldn't find one. So I gave you mine. Do you remember what you said to me?"

I barely remembered that day. It was a distant blur that I wanted gone from memory. It was the day after Sam found me. After I did something unbelievably stupid because of my memories of my dark past. I was a mess, barely slept and threw on clothes that were in the living room, which were indeed Sam's.

And that Nirvana signature is definitely fake. But I don't have the heart to tell Sam that.

To be honest, I don't even remember looking at Maddox until just last week.

"Probably something stupid." I mumbled.

"Only psychos and teachers write in red." Maddox chuckled. "Not a Thanks. You didn't even look at me."

My cheeks burned. I guess I was a little stand offish to him back then too.

At least I'm consistent.

"I asked Sam about you that day. He told me to stay away. I tried too. But every day I found myself sitting closer to you. Watching how tired of life you looked." He took a deep breath, exhaling loudly. "It looks like I'm moving fast but I've been day dreaming about you since that day."

I bit my lip. My heart racing at the thought of him wanting me for so long. Imagining the dirty thoughts that would run through his mind about us and his dirty little glances I had so carelessly missed.

No wonder our first time together was insanely epic.

Maddox places his hand gently on the back of my neck. Holding me in place in front of him. His smooth fingers played with the little hairs that escaped my bun.

His eyes burned with a response from me.

But I couldn't muster up a good enough one. One that validated his emotions and mine.

"I just want you, L. That's all." Maddox bent down and leaned his lips into my neck. Leaving wet marks up and down.

My arms wrapped around his built body tenderly, absorbing his sweet smell of cologne. The whole world seemed to stop once a breath entered my ear. Caressing it with each exhale.

"Let me have you." His husky voice sent a shiver down my spine.

I knew he didn't mean just sexually. He wanted all of me.

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