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The only day I enjoy working the at the cafe is on a Saturday morning. It's so lively and the time flies when I'm interacting with all the different personalities.

Hipsters. Jocks. Meat heads. Shy kids. Nerds.

They all come on Saturday, especially the last weekend before spring break. Everyone is making plans and finishing up their last minute trips.

My ideal break will consist of alcohol, the beach and my bed. Maybe a few hook ups with randoms if I want to. I can't wait to let my hair down and be free.

"Lexi, what're you doing for spring break?" I peered over to her as she handed a customer their change.

"Well, my mom and I are like switching places." She laughed. "She's going to be working for us here and I'm taking the house. It has a pool, right on the beach!"

Sometimes I forget her mom owns the shop.

"I thought I invited you already? And you said, yeah that sounds fucking awesome." She narrowed her eyes to me. "You're coming right?"

"Yeah, yeah of course." God, how did I forget I said yes to her already?

"Great! It's going to be awesome!"

In the evening the cafe calmed. There were only a few people inside, most working on their laptops or phones.

"Do you know Maddox?" I asked Lexi, sipping a coffee I made for myself.

"Sam's cousin? Yeah." She eyed me, her town eyes glowing. "What about him?"

"Well," I fiddled my fingers, nervous to tell anyone what actually happened. "He fingered me in the library yesterday." I whispered.

"He did what?! No fucking way!" She practically screamed, only calming her with a soft shhh.

"Sam told him I'm off limits. What the fuck does that mean?" I groaned. "It's not like I want to fuck him but I'd like it as an option."

Lexi laughed. "Sam is just super protective of you. But fuck that. You can screw whoever you want. Especially on spring break. But I wouldn't expect much from Maddox. He's a heart breaker. Hooks up with girls on a daily, only to move on to the next."

I rolled my eyes, already knowing this. "Trust me, I don't want a relationship anyways." My mind always seem to wander to my abusive ex. He ruined romance for me. It's not something I'd want until later in life.

"So are you thinking about having sex with him?" Lexi pried, loving the tea I was spilling.

"Maybe. He seems like an entitled asshole though." I shrugged.

"Eh, you could get anyone. Especially when they see your tattooed leg. It's like the epitome of sexy." Lexi nudged me. "There's going to be so many guys at the house. One of Jacobs friends is super nerdy but fucking sexy. I think he'd be a good fit for you."

"Oh, so you're playing match maker now?" I teased.

"Trust me, I will make sure you get your fill at spring break if that's what you want. I'll have guys lining up, begging for a chance at you!"

I couldn't help but laugh harder. God, she's my wing woman and my best friend. What more could I ask for in a person?

"We'll see. I may just want to relax, wind down from all the working and studying." I slumped onto the counter, wanting to daydream about being in my bed.

"Whatevs. You just let me know though." She winked.

My fingers fiddled the pen in my hand. Tiredness wanting to take over my eye sight as I dazed in and out, Professor Nedsworth lecture becoming a distance vision. I couldn't focus. I knew I shouldn't have worked until one in the morning. I didn't end up getting home until three then Lexi and Jacob fucking kept me up until five.

How I drove to class this morning is beyond me.

Sleep called out to me until someone pinched my arm.

"Ow." I groaned, looking over to find Maddox.

We haven't talked since Sam told him I was off limits. I guess he was listening to his cousin. Which was fine by me.

"Wake up." Maddox whispered, giving me another pinch.

"Touch me again and I'll stab you with my pen." I mumbled, rubbing my tired orbs.

"What'd a guy keep you up all night?" Maddox groaned with distaste, his gaze never leaving the Professor.

"I wish." I mumbled, letting my cheek rest on the desk in front of me. Then the world turned black. Blissful darkness surrounded me.

"Achemm." Someone cleared their throat, nudging my shoulder roughly.

"Go away." I murmured, adjusting my head to a more comfortable spot.

"Mrs. Taylor. I'd like to go home now. Please wake up."

My heart stopped the moment Professor Nedsworth's voice entered my mind. My body shot up and I stared at him. Drool dripping down the corner of my lip.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Mrs. Taylor. Please get some sleep before the test tomorrow. Okay?" He murmured in defeat before shrugging off and walking away.

A sigh left my lips as I gathered my things. A black notebook sat in front of me that definitely wasn't mine. I flipped it open seeing neat small writing.

Notes. All the notes I should have been taking in class. I flipped the last page.

'GL tomorrow.

My heart throbbed. I ran to the office and made copies of his notes, admiring how neat his handwriting was. Then I went onto campus, glancing around until I saw his brown hair waving in the wind.

His hands stuffed in his pockets. His laugh filled the air. And for some reason, it made me melt. Maybe from his kind little gesture. Or maybe it was the amazing orgasm he gave me.

I approached slowly, finding him talking to a girl. Maddison stood in front of his, touching his chest and giggling as he whispered into her ear.

And I'm back to not liking him. Such a player.

"Maddox?" I called out, tapping his shoulder. I glance at Maddison and gave a small wave. "Hey Maddison."

She waved back but I could see the annoyance flicker in her eyes. I was ruining her moment with a sexy guy- hell I'd be annoyed too if I were her.

I handed him the notebook. "Thanks. Sorry for being a bit bitchy."

"You could keep it." He tried to hand it back to me. The vein in his neck pulsating, his heart racing as he gave me all his attention.

"I made copies. Thanks again." I gave a wave to Maddison which she returned with a smile, and turned on my heel.

I could have been a bitch. I could have made Maddison feel like a whore for talking to Maddox or make him feel like shit for being a man-whore but what would that do for me? It's not like I wanted Max to myself. I've only told him countless times I didn't want him.

Even if that was a lie. I'm not the type to put other girls down.

"Ellie!" Max called out for me but I didn't stop. I acted like I didn't hear him as I searched my bag for my car keys. "Hey!" He groaned, pulling my arm until I was facing him.

"What's up?" I took my keys out with a sigh.

Maddox shrugged standing directly in front of me with his hands by his sides. "What're you doing?"

I pursed my lips, looking him up and down. There had to be a reason he chased me down to my car.

"Going home." I raised a brow as he opened his mouth then quickly closed it. "Why?"

He shifted his footing uncomfortably before scratching his head awkwardly.

"I was going to go home and take Dixie for a walk. Wanna come?"

God, he was trying so hard to form a sentence. It was cute but heart breaking. Do I turn him down or take the chance to see his puppy again?

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