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Maddox's face scanned my own. A fire lit in his green eyes like a forest fire not dimmed even with his cocky smile.

His finger, covered in my orgasm lifted my chin and slid to my mouth. He circled my lips as if putting lip stick on me.

I stuck my tongue out, licking his finger as I kept our eye contact. I sucked on my juices that covered his fingers, deep throating them just once and pulled away.

I gathered my things quickly and stood. I leaned my breasts into his face and lifted his chin just as he did to mine.

I gave a wink before I walking away. Making sure to sway my hips with each movement.

I couldn't make it far before Maddox was grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his chest.

His dopey smile gone and replaced with pursed lips and furrowed brows. "You're just going to cum and leave me?"

"Yes." I stated matter of factly with a sigh. "This never happened and will never happen again."

Maddox smirked down to me, releasing my wrist from his grasp.

"We'll see."

And cue eye roll.

"Whatever, Maddox." I turned, letting my smile break through the surface when he couldn't see me any longer.

"Whatcha watching?" I asked Sam, plopping down next to him on the couch in the living room.

He moved the blanket onto my lap as I laid my head on his shoulder. Sam's smile was the brightest smile that anyone could ever have - always and especially when he was looking to me. For a while it made me uncomfortable, thinking he had feelings for me- ones I'd never act on. But he's always saying 'you're like a little sister to me.' So I just assumed it was exactly that. I never had any siblings, so having Sam in my life was a blessing I never knew I'd get.

Plus, I put him through hell when I first moved in. Nothing a Roommate should ever have to be put through. Those memories have turned into a blur that I refused to remember.

"Just Comedy Center." Sam reached his arm around my shoulders and held me to his chest. "How was class?"

"It was fine. I'm ready to be off for spring break, though."

"Yeah, you need a break. You've been pushing yourself too hard." Sam murmured.

I nodded and yawned in agreement. Even Sam's laughter from the TV couldn't keep me awake, not when his hand gently rubbed my arm.

Wetness. All over my face. A constant drool like slobber being smeared on me.

I groaned, trying to push away whatever was trying to wake me out of my deep sleep.

My eyes opened to see a long tongue swiping my cheek. My scream echoed as I jumped off the bed, staring at the Labrador in front of me.

Pure fucking panic. Who's fucking dog is this?! We don't own a dog!

"Sam! Sam!" I screamed, still half asleep. My heart racing a mile a minute.

Sam barged in, wide eyed until he saw why I was screaming.

"Dixie, come here, girl!" He crouched down, patting her head. "Sorry. My cousin came over and brought his dog."

My hand held my chest.

"Do you not like dogs?" Sam cocked a brow.

"Dude, I fucking love animals. I just- I didn't know what or who's the fuck she was." I rubbed my crusty eyes and blinked a view times to clear my vision.

She was a cutie! Long tan fur that curled at her wagging tail.

"Alright, well I made coffee if you want some." Sam laughed before pulling Dixie out of my room with him.

I dragged my half asleep ass behind him, only because he said coffee. Sam made me a mug while I sat on the floor with Dixie.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, Dixie." I talked in baby-tone with a smile petting her, her tail wagging like crazy. "You just scared the shit out of me."

"Here." Sam handed me a mug. God, he made the coffee taste amazing. "Oh, Ellie this is my cousin, Max."

I glanced away from Dixie, only to be met with that fucking dopey smile. Oh my god, I can't escape this guy.

"Oh fucking hell." I almost dropped my cup.

"Hey, L." Maddox winked.

"You two know each other?" Sam raised a brow, watching us stare each other down from across the kitchen.

"Yeah I-

"We're in the same psych class." I interrupted Maddox with a scold.

"You're in the same class and he calls you 'L.'" Sam sipped his coffee with suspicion.

"I didn't know you lived here. I would have came by sooner." Maddox crouched in front of me. He pet Dixie thinking he was sly but I knew it was just taunt me with his muscular arms he had exposed.

"Max." Sam scowled. "No, man. She's off limits."

Maddox looked between the two of us with pursed lips.

I bit my lip remembering yesterday in the library. How determined he was to make me orgasm just with his fingers and the fire in his eyes when he did. Remember his words made me tighten my thighs.

I want to bury my cock so deep into your tight wet pussy.

It made me wet just thinking about his husky voice whispering that to me with his fingers deep inside of my pussy.

That same fire was reignited as he was challenged with another road block to get in my pants.

"Got it." Maddox smirked, showing half his teeth before shoving his bottom lip in between them. His eyes glancing to my tightly closed legs with a look of knowing.

"Ellie, you got work in an hour." Sam reminded me but it sounded more like a 'get the fuck away from him' warning.

But I couldn't look away from Maddox. That desire in his green orbs called to me.

I gave a small nod to Sam and stood to my feet. Breaking my glance with Maddox was harder than it was before. My pussy throbbed at the thought of pulling him into my room and taking him right there.

I shook my head of the thoughts and walked to my room, getting changed for work in a simple set of leggings and a flowing top.

When I was beginning to leave the house I could overhear Max and Sam talking. I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"What do you like her or something?" Max mumbled.

"It's not like that, dude. She's a sweet girl that deserves more than what you'll give her." Sam snapped, some anger lacing him words.

"And what will I give her?"

"A quick fuck and not even a phone call back."

"Maybe she's different to me." Max became stern in his tone. The tension in the room building.

"Yeah, okay. Shes only different because I'm asking you to not try anything with her." Sam continued, sarcasm invading his sentence. "Just leave her alone."

I sighed not wanting to intrude on their tiff. I wasn't up for it today. Sam knows I could handle my own, even if I had a moment of weakness yesterday. That doesn't mean I'll cave to Max's touch again.

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