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Ellie POV

Maddox held my chin as he kissed me again. Moving his plump lips all over my face. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Max!" I tried to push him off, just then realizing he was still inside of me.

"Round two?" He winked, easing his body back and forth, trying to create what little friction he could.

"There's no way-

"Yo, Max!" His bedroom door slammed open. The blood rushed to my cheeks as his friends, Tyler and Jaxon stood in the doorway, immediately stunned at the graphic scenery before them.

We all made eye contact for just a millisecond, but it was enough for everyone to see everything.

I mean everything.

"Shut the fucking door!" Maddox roared throwing a pillow from the bed to the door.

Finally the two boys snapped out of it, slamming the door shut.

My eyes were wide before I burst out laughing. I didn't find it funny. No not in the least. It was embarrassing but the look on everyone's faces was enough to make me laugh.

"I'm going to kill them." Max huffed, leaning down and kissing my cheek one last time before pulling out of me.

I shook my head and rubbed my sore shoulder as I watched Max throw on a pair of sweats. And that's it.

God, I'll never thank you enough for creating such a magnificent view for me.

"Why don't you come out and eat something?" Max smiled lightly. The dark bags under his eyes telling me he didn't sleep at all last night.

Had it not been for Annabelle giving me an anti anxiety pill she had in her purse like a piece of candy, I probably wouldn't have either.

"I'm not hungry, Max."

"Not hungry or you don't want to deal with my friends?" He raised a brow.

"A little bit of both."

Max sighed. "Okay. If you change your mind, you're more than welcome to come join us or if you need me.."

"Got it."

My gut twisted once he left the room. The first time I had been alone since Friday night. Two days since Mason assaulted me. I had no more tears, no more self pity to give to my heart. I thought maybe if they found him and arrested him, I'd feel better. There would be no worry on leaving the house by myself or driving my own car to the grocery store.

I felt stuck.


The difference this time? Experience and support. I had already gone through this but this time, I had friends and my father. And Maddox.

I didn't know where to begin when it came to what he's done for me in such a short time. We binge watched Netflix last night, devouring a tub of ice cream and he treated me like me.. not like some girl who has a dark past that's still trying to engulf her.

He made me forget about everything when I was in his arms and all I wanted was to try and give him the same back.

My stomach grumbled and I decided, against my better judgement, I'd go get something to eat. It wasn't easy finding something emotionally filling, like cake or cheese or chocolate, in Max's house.

I've learned he's a bit of a health freak.

Avocado is a snack for him.

Lexi had to drop me off ice cream because Max has nothing with more than a hundred calories - besides meat - in his house.

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