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"I'll leave you alone." Max started, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "I don't want too. But I don't want you feeling like I'm forcing us together."

"You kind of are forcing us together." I mumbled, finally letting out my feelings towards him. "I've told you so many times I don't want a relationship and you haven't respected it. Instead you use your magical penis to put me under this spell."

I let out a forced laugh. "Is my past the reason you want to be with me?"

"No." Max mumbled. "I like you as a person. If anything your past and your father scare the shit out of me. I should be the one running."

"Then run." I rolled my eyes and rested it on the door.

"Do you not care about me, at all?" Max snapped. "Would it bother you at all if I just dropped off the face of the earth?"

My heartstrings snapped and my stomach twisted at the thought.

"All you've done is push me away. Every chance you get." His voice lower. "It's seems like I'm forcing because you aren't interested. Which, I should know already because you only say it all the time."


"You don't need to explain, Ellie. I finally got it." He pulled into my work and turned off the car.

He didn't even give me a chance to stop him before he was jogging home.

I ran into the busy shop and straight into the back, tackling Lexi with a hug. My sobs probably scaring away customers but I didn't care.

"Woah, woah. Ellie, What happened?" She hushed, pulling us into the back room.

"I- my dad showed up. And he told Maddox about Mason and I lost it. Now he's mad at me. But I've been such a bitch to him, Lexi." I cried harder. "What's wrong with me?"

"Okay, Listen. I was trying to be a nice supportive friend and tell you what you wanted to hear. But I'm going to be brutally honest with you." Lexi pushed my hair out of my face and sighed.

"You're letting Mason hold you back still. Every time Maddox did something that made you feel any type of connection, you put this wall up. It's time to tear it down, hun. Just a bulldozer straight through that wall." She smiled.

"If you want Maddox. You need to go get him. You can't just sit around and hope everything will fix itself. No, you've put way too much work into yourself to stay idly by."

"But I've been such an asshole to him."

"Babes, real relationships can work through that. Take Jacob and I for example. You think it's all peaches and cream? Hell no. We have our arguments but as a couple, you work through it. And if Maddox wants you as badly as it seems, he'll go through hell for you. You just got to want him too." She hushed.

"I was supposed to be relieving you." I sighed, drying my face. It was another excuse. I didn't know if I should run to Maddox's house and admit maybe I do like him.

How is it fair to him if I'm still not even sure?

"I'll stay. You do it for me all the time." Lexi smiled harder. "You should at least talk to him. He knows about your past but he doesn't know what you've had to do to build yourself back up."

I parked my car in front of Max's house. My stomach was in knots. My hands shook from the nerves but there was no turning back now. I grabbed the bag of food and slowly made my way up to his door.

I thought about what I'd say when I saw him. But nothing seemed like enough. Then I wondered if I should text him and warn him I was coming, Incase he moved on quickly and had a quick fuck over.

I knocked on his door a few times and waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing. Not even Dixie barking on the other end.

I grabbed my phone and called him. I could hear it ringing from inside the house, just making my heart burn with self pity.

"It's Maddox. Leave a message." Even his voicemail gave me goosebumps.

"Max, I-I'm Sorry. I've been such a bitch to you. You have every right to be upset with me and ignore me but I just want to talk." I sighed. "Just, call me back. Please?" I hung up.

I waited a few moments to hear any type of movement in the house. Still nothing. I sat on his porch steps and opened up a text to him. I erased and re-wrote what I should say almost a hundred times but settled with something simple.

I shouldn't be explaining myself over text. I waited for an hour. My head pressed against the porch railing while I sat on the stairs feeling numb.

My phone rang making me jump. Nervousness and excitement raced through me.

Which dimmed once I saw Sam's name.

"Hello?" I answered with a sigh.

"Where are you?" Maddox spoke sternly through the phone. My heart thrummed at his voice.

I let out a half laugh. "I've been sitting at your house for an hour."

Maddox did a half laugh too. "I've been sitting in your room for hours."

"Should I come home or you come here?" I bit my lip and closed my eyes, picturing his sweet smile on the other end.

"I'm already getting into my car. Don't move." Max mumbled, the sound Sam asking for his phone back.

"Don't drive like a madman." I whispered.

"Promise me you won't leave." Max begged, shushing Sam.

"I promise, Max. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." And I didn't just mean at his house.

"I'll see you soon, Ellie." Max hung up before I could say anymore.

I waited. My mind going crazy with anticipation. Wondering what I should even say to him or not.

Only twenty minutes later, Maddox pulled up to his house. Abruptly stopped and jumped out of his car. Dixie somehow out ran to him to me. Tackling me with kisses.

"Hi, Dixie!" I rubbed behind her ears and pet her thick coat.

Maddox cleared his throat as he stood in front of me. His hands dug deep in his pockets. I stood slowly and mimicked his pose.

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