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My fingers dug into the silk sheets, feeling around for Maddox. I remember falling asleep next to him. Feeling his heart beat under my cheek put me into a deep slumber. especially after the intense orgasms he gave me.

I glance around but didn't see him. The dark night still took over the sky, fighting the sun as it rises on the horizon.

I followed the sound of my phone ringing from the living room. Only pausing for a moment when I see a almost naked Maddox standing in the kitchen. His back turned to me. His muscles moving with every raise of his arm.

God, he looked so sexy the way the sun rise rested on his abs.

I shuffled to my bag to grab my phone.

"Morning." Maddox chirped, his dopey smile taking over his lips.

Ugh. He's a morning person.

"Morning." I grumbled back. "Who would be calling me so freaking early?" I complained until I pulled out my phone.

"Well, it's not Sam. I talked to him last night." Maddox smirked, pouring me a cup of coffee.

"You what?!" I practically yelled, then my heart dropped seeing a missed call from my Dad.

"We'll talk about that after." I rubbed my eyes and looked down to the coffee Maddox poured for me. Black. No cream. No sugar.

"Do you have cream?"

Maddox nodded and passed me the French vanilla creamer. He rested his chest on my back and dipped his lips into my neck. His tender kisses stung, reminding me of the hickies that littered my neck.

"You seem well rested." He spoke contently into my skin.

"Your bed is the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on." I admitted, flicking through my phone. Debating on calling my father back.

"Are you sure it's not who you slept next to?" Max hummed into me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Still cocky, I see.

"Don't get used to it. Only reason I slept here was because of the pain between my legs."

"Hmm. I'll have to remember that's how I keep you next to me." Max laughed against me.

I sighed deeply. "I should call my Dad back."

My heart was thumping fast with worry. He never calls me this early. What if somethings wrong? I dialed his number and leaned into the counter.

"Hey princess!" My father practically screamed with excitement.

"Hey, Dad. Everything okay?"

"Oh, right. Ever since you went off to college I can't just call and say I miss you." He sarcastically laughed.

"Not at five am." I groaned. "Everything's good though?"

"Where are you? I called the house and Sam said you didn't come home last night." Concern laced his voice.

I closed my eyes tight. Wanting to kill Sam right now. Some friend.

"I'm at a friends. We were studying late for the test I have today." Please don't call me out on my little white lie.

"What's his name?" My father suddenly became serious.

"Dad, I'm a grown woman. I'm safe, I'm fine. It's Sam's cousin." I argued and glanced at Maddox.

"Put him in the phone." My father demanded as if scolding a child. Well, I am his child.


"It's okay, Ellie." Maddox smiled and reached for the phone. I quickly put it in speaker before it was fully in Max's hand.

My gut twisted and turned. My father, the retired marine was going to talk to the guy I had mind blowing sex with.

"Morning, Mr. Taylor." Maddox answered the phone full of confidence.

"What's your name, son." My father demanded, using his authoritative tone he used to use on me.

"Maddox, sir."

"What kind of name is Maddox?" My father almost laughed.

"Well it's the name my parents gave me." Maddox answered back sarcastically. I slapped him in the arm quietly. "People usually call me Max."

"Take me off speaker, Maddox."

Max obliged.

"Maddox Bouchard." Max paused listening to my father, his eyes never leaving mine.

Maddox tightened his grip on my waist. "No, I didn't know that."

Concern floated in his green orbs as I could barely hear the muffled voice of my father on the other end. He was talking for a few minutes while Max just listened to him rant about god knows what.

"Understood, Mr. Taylor. It was nice speaking with you." Maddox handed the phone back to me.

"Princess?" His dad voice back again. "I love you. Just," he sighed deeply, "call me later, okay?"

"Alright, love you." I hung up and quickly turned to Maddox. "What'd he say to you?"

Maddox shook his head, repeatedly. "He said he was in the marines and knows how to kill a man ten different ways with a single touch if I tell you."

I groaned and looked back to my coffee. "Sorry about him. He's just a little over protective."

Maddox shrugged. "It's nothing I can't handle."

"So he doesn't scare the crap out of you?" I raised a brow, almost laughing when Maddox shook his head vigorously.

"Oh no, he scares the living shit out of me." Maddox chuckled.

"He means well. It's just been us for the past twenty years, you know?" I paused. "What'd you say to Sam?"

Max rolled his eyes with a groan. "He called your phone about a thousand fucking times. I told him we studied and you knocked out and decided to stay the night."

I nodded, liking how we had the same story. Not that the marks on my neck will say the same.

"What's up with you two? Did you fuck or.." Maddox asked jealously.

I shook my head. "No. Sams just.. he's just looking out for me I think. When I first rented the room I wasn't in the best place, like mentally and he helped me climb out of the hole I put myself into."

Max nodded. "What happened?"

"Nothing I want to talk about anymore." My voice cold as I turned away from him. "I better get going. I gotta change before class and-

"No. You could wear my clothes. I'll let you borrow a hoodie." Max smiled but it wasn't that same dopey smile that aggravated me to the core. It looked forced.

I sighed. I didn't want to keep fighting him and telling him no. It was so tiring. I could tel he was tired of it too.

"Max, I don't want a relationship. You understand that right?" I lowered my voice, trying to be caring and empathetic.

"I live five minutes from the university. Why drive thirty minutes home just to come back here?" He argued. "Plus, I'll make breakfast."

I bit my lip knowing he was avoiding my question.

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