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My alarm rang through my room. The happy, chirpy song I chose just annoying me further.

I moaned and groaned until I made it into the kitchen. Still wearing my clothes from yesterday. Coffee was already made, probably by Sam but I could barely open my eyes to see if anyone was in the kitchen with me.

Once the hot liquid entered my mouth, I knew today would be a better day. Until..

"Oh fuck, yes Jacob! Yes!" Lexi moaned, loud enough for the the whole house to hear.

"Oh for fucks sake." I placed my head to the counter and clapped my feet together like Dorothy - wishing I weren't here.

"All fucking night." Sam grumbled, in just as bad of a mood as me.

"I got maybe an hour of sleep last night." I complained back, not able to look up to him. "I'm going to die. Or kill myself if I can't sleep tonight."

Sam mumbled a few words that I couldn't understand. i don't know what's worse, them fighting or fucking.

"It's Friday." He reminded me. Like he's done every morning for me. He's like my calendar on feet.

With the lack of sleep and over working, it's like The days have scrambled with each other.

"No work, woo." I dryly cheered. "I gotta go to the library after class though."

"Or you could just come home and sleep." Sam places a hand on my lower back, positioning himself beside me. "I'm worried about you."

"I'll be fine, Sam. I appreciate it though." I glanced up to his worried eyes with a small smile. "Thanks for caring."

"Always." Sam pulled my body to a stand. "You're like my little sister. Can't let anything happen to you."

I laughed. So fucking hard once he looked at what I was wearing. His eyes widening at my exposed bright pink bra.

"Yeah, this was my outfit yesterday." I snickered adjusting my top so he could see how horrid I looked.

Sam face palmed. "I didn't even notice before you left."

"May own fault. Let me get changed so I don't have repeat the same day twice." I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and ran to my room.

"Good morning, Class." Professor Nedsworth spoke loudly from the front. His eyes glancing through all the faces in the lecture hall until they landed on mine. He gave a small smile and nod, accepting I was here on time.

Am I late that often? Yes. Does it affect my grades? No. Only reason he doesn't mark it against me. Thankfully.

I opened my laptop and started taking notes. The whole class I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head. Someone was definitely staring at me. I fought the urge to look back and put them into their place.

I was crabby and not in the mood for wandering eyes. Maddox gave me enough of that yesterday for a lifetime.

"Alright, Class. Everyone is dismissed. Enjoy your weekends." Professor Nedsworth ended his lecture and began packing up his work.

My lips pursed, holding in the sigh I wanted to expel. My eyes fell onto Maddox. His dopey grin lacing his mouth.

"Nice sweats." Maddox held his hand out, letting his fingers graze my ass as I rushed past.

"Jerk." I mumbled, picking up my speed.

My eyes felt heavy as I stared at my bright computer screen. All I wanted to do was sleep. I fought each blink as if it were my last until I couldn't anymore.

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