333: Calm Down

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I laid there in the grass for about ten minutes. I didn't want go home anytime soon, but I wasn't even supposed to be out here. There are other people here, though not that many.

I get up to go back home and I saw him again. That bastard. How did he find me? I let out a sharp, angry breath I didn't know I was holding in, before I approached him slowly.

He was just sitting on a bench with his face in his hands. I sat down next to him and he didn't look up. I don't think he knew I was there.

- - -➹ Damiar's POV (again)

"What do you want?" I heard the familiar annoyed voice and looked up. Trying to hide how bright my face lit up when I saw her, to no avail, only irritated her more.

"Are you okay? I just wanna talk."

"Yes. And there's nothing to talk about." Y/n said coldly.

I sighed. I had no idea what to say anyway. "Then why were you crying? You never let me explain."

"Not over you. And fuck, I didn't want an explanation, Damiar. All I wanted was an apology. Which you never provided."

"I'm sorry-"

"It's too late now."

I shook my head, "No, it can't be. Please just listen."

"It's over! It's been over for a while now," She shot to her feet and continued to glare at me angrily, "I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you. Unfortunately, I have to see you everyday now. But that won't stop me from not talking to you. Just leave me alone, okay?"

I stared at her in desperation. Please just listen. It's not what you think.

She glared emotionlessly at me and scoffed before walking away. I started to follow her and she sped up.

"Y/n, I swear it doesn't have to be like this. I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sor-" slam. She slammed the door in my face. I opened it slowly and walked into the house. She was already up in her room.

Fine, if that's how you want it to be.

- - - -➹

I laid down on my bed and pulled my phone out. Trying to calm down, I went on instagram to see how my friends were doing. They were all on call but I decided against joining. I'd love to talk to them but I didn't think I had enough energy at the moment.

The door creaked open and shut. I looked up to see Damiar walking in, also doing something on his phone. I averted my attention back to my phone as I felt a dip in the bed beside me.

"So then what were you crying about?"

"Oh. My fucking. God." I groaned and saw him smirk from the corner of my eye.

He let out a dark chuckle, "Just asking."

"Why would I tell you?"

"Cause you love me oh so dearly." He said sarcastically and his smug little grin grew wider.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said and sat up, looking him straight in the eye. What is this new personality change?

"Nothing? Being me, I guess?" He stated but it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah right." I said, turning around and sitting up so that my back faced him. Just then I decided I did want to join my friends' call. To be petty? Yes, of course.

"Y/n!" Kai shouted.

"Kaibear!" He blushed a little at the nickname, making me smirk.

"Who's with you, babes?" Aviva asked curiously, moving her face all around trying to see who was behind me.

"No one. No one at all."

"Is that D?" Noen asked.

"D?!" I shrieked. They gave him a fucking nickname?!

"Uh...yeah. Damiar." Cap said as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes and saw Damiar sit up through the camera. Crossing his legs, he looked at the screen and smiled.

"Hey guys! Yeah, it's me." He said with a wave, locking his phone and setting it down.

"Woah! How are you? What's going on?" Noen, Cap, and Caleb didn't know what happened between Damiar and I. Aviva and Jess did, but they were still friends with him along with Kai. But out of respect, they didn't talk to him if I was around.

They were all talking to Damiar (except Aviva, Kai, and Jess), laughing and talking. Jess eventually left the call. I began to get aggravated. I should tell them, but I don't want to sound like a prick. Hell, what am I saying?Damiar is the prick here.

The laughing and talking drug out longer and became louder.

"If you want to talk to him so bad, why don't you just call him?" I snapped.

They looked at me in shock. Aviva and Kai didn't really react because I'm sure they knew it was coming sooner or later.

"Sheesh, calm down, n/n." Damiar said with an eye roll.

"You don't get to tell me to calm down! And you don't get to call me n/n!" I sneered. I poked his chest and pushed him backwards slightly to add effect, and to distract the fact that I wanted to punch him so bad.

"You don't get to tell me anything! We've already been over this. I'm. Not. Talking. To. You. So why won't you leave me alone?!"

He stared at me for a moment as did everyone else. I could felt the tears in my eyes as I knew everyone would be mad at me after this.

"I never said I wasn't talking to you though." He said and that was the last straw. The more I looked at him, I didn't know if I wanted to punch or kiss him.

I took in a shaky breath, "G-Get out of my room." He stared at me and I pointed to the door. "You...y-you can sleep on the couch."

"No way! Get over it, Y/n! It's been a year! You know I'm sorry. I don't even get why you're still mad."

By then I knew I was already crying.

"Damiar, you fucking hurt me. You didn't care to apologize at all, for a whole year. So no, I didn't know you were sorry. I can't just get over it. I loved you, you asshole. Now get the fuck out!"

His expression softened and he got up slowly, walking out and closing the door softly behind him. I put my face on my hands before I remembered I was still on call with everyone. Fuck. I turned back to my phone.

"What happened between you two?"

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