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Bruv I'm getting so bored of my books idk what to dooosjdkh

um n e ways

y/f/c: your favorite candy

- - - -

How does he not understand? He hurt me so badly and then just never apologized or tried to explain until now, when we met again by chance.

I buried my face in my hands and started to cry, even though I was trying my hardest not to. I just let the thoughts and feelings flood through my mind.. I couldn't keep it in anymore and pretend to be strong.

I want to forget it, I just want to leave it all in the past and at least try to get along with him but everytime I see his brings me back to that day. I want to remember all the happy times but that one horrible thing blocks it all out.

It's funny that the trauma from our shattered relationship cancels out the trauma from the accident.

I smiled to myself at that while tears just kept running down my cheeks. I cried harder as I started to remember the moments just before it happened.

- - - -

"You're a dumbass for not staying with me." Damiar's slightly muffled and tired voice rung from the phone speaker. I sat the phone down in the cup holder with a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go! This is a once in a life time opportunity. I see you almost everyday, Dam."

"I'm more importanter."

"In general, yes. Tonight? No." I joked.

"Not funny didn't laugh. I'm importanter everyday." His voice was tired and rough and it was honestly hot. It almost made me want to stay with him instead of going to this party.

"Do you not trust me or something? This is just a formal meetup with fancy crap like tiny cakes and shit like that-"

"Of course I trust you! I was just really in need of some Y/n cuddles tonight."

"Aww," my heart felt like it was about to explode, "I'm sorry bubba. We can stay in tomorrow night and watch movies. I'll even get us some y/f/c and popcorn."

"Okayyy," he whined, "Well I guess I'll leave you alone so you can drive properly without me distracting you."

"Okay! I love you, bye!"

- - - -

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a thumping against the floor nearing the room. It sounded like someone limping. Damiar. As I was about to yell something to him, there was a knock at the door.

"Y/n...I'm really sorry. Please come out," Another thump was heard against the door. He wasn't knocking, I think he just had to lean against it to keep himself up, "I'm sorry for everything. I know it's too late and I waited too long to say it but I have to get it off my chest.

I'm hurting just as much as you are. To keep those events inside while you suffer thinking I cheated on you? Or even just had interest in Pacifica? I know you felt betrayed either way. But then you just disappeared and I couldn't tell you everything. I was embarrassed anyway." He paused.

Now I was trying to take everything in that he had just said. So he wasn't cheating? He didn't even like her? So then why the fuck was he with her? It just doesn't add doesn't make sense.

"So...can we actually talk now? Like, for real?"

"Um...yeah, I-I guess."

"Can you come out?"

I stayed silent. Did I really want to see his face? Nope. I dont want to have to look him in the face when I'm told that everything I thought was wrong, that I was wrong. About everything. (ya girl's afraid of confrontation 👉😬👉)

"Okay...I guess I'll take that as a no," he sighed and another thump was heard, this time on the floor, " you know, my family has been struggling ever since my dad left us, and I was just trying to help out with money-"

I gasped and shot up, reaching for the doorknob, my mind wondering to the worst place possible as anyone's would after hearing that.

"No! It's not what you think, I swear!"

"It better fucking not be."

He cleared his throat and continued, "I wa-" and then he was cut off by the doorbell.

"You what?!" I asked after a moment but by the time I had, he had moved downstairs to answer the door. Great. Now I'll never find out what he was doing with her for money. He said he wasn't...ya know...I should believe him but..I don't know. I don't know what to think of anything that's going on.

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