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thanks for 400 reads brothers ❤️👄❤️

um so I had to make up a character for this, I'm also gonna have to make up a backstory for why this is happening (y'all will find out later) bUt yEah anyway enjoy

also sheesh I can't believe it's already chapter eight and whewie I pretty much have everything planned out for the rest of the book

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y/f/s: your favorite show
- - - -

I stayed in the living room for a while, doing random things on my phone and watching y/f/s. I turned off the TV and set my phone down to just cuddle up in in my blanket and think (idk if anyone else does this but sometimes I just take a break from whatever I'm doing for like two minutes and relax w/o any distractions). 

I peeked out of the window and noticed the sun was setting. Already? It must be already past seven. Where is everyone? I decided to text my parents and ask where they were.

mom :)

hey mom where are u and dad?

I'm at your dad's job, he's still working. Damiar's mom is working too she asked me to ask you if Damiar's okay?
- - - -
Oh shit. I forgot about Damiar. He never came home. I don't have his number anymore either. How am I gonna get a hold of him?

I figured the only way I could was to ask one of his friends. I'll just ask Kai, maybe he stopped by the hospital to see him.


Hey is Damiar with u?




Idk where he is and his mom is asking for him

He's not home?


dw I'll take care of it. Talk to u later bb I hope u feel better

Ok and aww thanks ily

OH wait can I get Damiar's number so I can call him?

Yes it's 123456789

Sorry for dry texting it hurts to type

Aw it's ok :(

Thanks btw

- - - -

I added Damiar's number to my contacts and called him. It rung for a few moments before I got sent to his voicemail. I called a few more times and still no answer.

I don't know if he was just ignoring it since he doesn't have my number or he was in trouble. Nonetheless, I sent a message the last time I called and got sent to voicemail.

"Hey Damiar just trying to get a hold of you since your mom asked for you. She wants to know if you're okay. Bye bye please call me back when you can or just come home already."

I said the last part trying to sound aggravated but I couldn't hide the worry in my voice. I was getting worried he might be hurt or in trouble. And I honestly don't know why I care anymore. If anything I hope he is hurt he fucking deserves it.

But something in the back of my mind is telling me I don't really feel that way.

I got pulled out of my thoughts by a loud vibrating coming from the kitchen. I quickly got up and slowly looked around the kitchen for the source when the sound occured again. I looked to my left and saw Damiar's phone lying face down on the counter. So that's why he wasn't answering.

I picked it up and saw all of the notifications from me and Kai and his mom. Kai more than either of us though. That's kinda sus.

I pressed down on the home button to try and see if I remembered his password. Or maybe this weirdo still has my fingerprint saved on his phone.

And oh look, he did. How convenient. I tapped on the iMessage icon and onto Kai's contact.

King Kai

hey kai can I ask you something

Yeah bro what's up

Who hurt you? Be honest

Can't tell u that


You'll do something stupid

I wontttt



It was Dylan

You remember him right?


What a dick.

Yea ik

don't do anything dumb





I'm literally begging you

Do you wanna end up like me rn?

Damiar please

- - - -

Oh my god. He's in so much trouble. He's probably hurt. Who's Dylan? Holy fuck, what do I do? There's nothing I can do.

I could try to find him and help him if he's hurt. That's about it though.

I tried to remember where Kai said he got into the fight. On his way home from the grocery store. I should look around the grocery store by Kai's house and his neighborhood. What if I'm too late?

I shake away the thought and quickly put on my shoes and I couldn't find my hoodie so I grabbed the nearest jacket. It was Damiar's. God this is embarrassing.

I swung the door open but it looks like I don't need to go anywhere.


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