Friday the 13th

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Here's this cuz I thought it was funny-

waiter: I'm sorry ma'am, you're card has been declined

Y/n: run it again

waiter: i ran it three times

Y/n: *to ur date* omg this is so embarrassing do you mind taking care of it

Damiar: yeah no problem! *grabs waiter by the collar and pulls him close* she said run it again

- - - -

After a few minutes of overthinking and sulking in the bathroom, I got up and walked downstairs. Damiar was talking to his mom about something.

"Mom, I'm okay I swear. Y/n's been taking care of me."

I blushed lightly. Damiar's mom looked at me. "Oh Y/n, you angel. Thank you for helping him out. He can be a real jerk sometimes but he's...he's an okay boy."

"I guess." I shrugged. Damiar was just staring at me. "Um...Ms. Krogh, Damiar and I w-were just talking. C-Can we have a moment? Please?"

"Of course, dear." She nodded and Damiar snapped out of his daze. I waved my hand towards the stair case and he followed me up.

"You should rest." I said quietly as we entered my room.

"Rest? I didn't even get to tell y-"

"It's whatever, just rest, you need it. This can wait."

"What? No! I-I mean, yes I do need rest but, you– this is more important." He held both of my hands in his as I just stared down at the floor.

"I said it was okay for now."

He sighed heavily and laid down on the bed. I sat down on the floor in the middle of the room and almost immediately, I could hear him snoring. He's fast asleep already. I don't blame him, he needs rest to heal.

I held my head up with my hand as I began to think about and process everything. How could it have already been two years and I'm still not over it?

I decided to shrug it off for now and go outside for a nice walk. I grabbed my bag with my earbuds, phone, and some other things in it and slipped my shoes on. I went downstairs and began to walk out the door but I was stopped by my mom. When did she get home?

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Just going for a walk. We're allowed to do that, right?"

"Oh yeah of course. You just need to wear a mask in case there's lots of people around."

"Oh shit, I don't have a mask."

Her eyes widened and I realized what I said. She doesn't like it when I 'curse' around her.

"Sorry..." I corrected politely.

"It's alright. Anyway, I bought some masks this morning. Here." She picked up a bag and handed me a mask from it. (it looks however u wnat it to look :)).

I thanked her, put it on, and walked out of the house. I started my walk, listening to music. I couldn't help but start to overthink again. Everything is just all over the place.

Maybe I am over it. I don't know, I think I can forgive him once I find out what he was going to tell me. But I don't think he still loves me and I don't really know if I still love him the same way.

This is a lot to unpack.

I turned off my music and sat down on a bench near the park entrance.

Ok, so...

The guy who was my ex boyfriend two years ago, I broke up with him for cheating with my bully while I was in the hospital after a car accident. He broke my heart. Two years later, he moves in with me during a time I literally can't leave the house. And I find out that everything I thought was wrong, and that he wasn't cheating. I was the one who hurt him.

But I still don't know what he was doing with her for money. He could've still been cheating.

Guess I'll have to wait and find out.

- - - -

Sorry it's so short! Next chapter is coming very soon since I already have it planned out (and a few chapters after that). Writers block has just been absotootly terrible for WEEKS!

I've been working more on my book with Tori. It's easier since we both brainstorm ideas and tell them to eachother before we write, and go off of each other's writing. You should read our book btw, it's called Once Upon A Benkro ;)

BUT I'm definitely gonna be on a steady updating pattern on this book for a while, I have so many new ideas for it

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