wowowowowow f o u r t e e n

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I got up after a few minutes and started the walk home. As I approached my house, I noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway instead of my mom's or Damiar's mom's. It was a shiny, dark gray, newer model BMW.

I shrugged it off, thinking it could just be family visiting. But then why would they be inside if Damiar and I's parents aren't here?

As I walked to the front porch, I noticed that in the dashboard of the car were pink girly accessories. Far cousin? Aunt? I dunno, that's kind of odd. I decided to ignore it and go inside.

I tried opening the door but it was locked. Now this is getting really weird. I hope Damiar's okay...

I rang the doorbell and soon I heard footsteps. High heels clicking against the tiles. Must be the visitor.

The door swung open and I was met with the disgusted face of Pacifica Hamilton.

My eyes widened as I realized it was just her and Damiar in there. And even worse, her platinum blonde hair was a mess draped over her shoulders and her bright pink lips stick smudged all over her mouth.

This can't be fucking real. Just as things were going well with him... This is the whole reason I left his ass! And he pulls this shit again and expects everything to be okay.

I feel tears sting my eyes as she stared at me in disgust.

"What do you want, loser?"

"Loser?!" I shrieked, "This is my house!"

"What? Damiar lives alone."

I felt a tear run down my cheek as I just stared at her in shock.

Just then, Damiar walked into the doorframe. He didn't spare me a glance, he just kissed Pacifica on the nose and started whispering things to her.

When he finally looked at me, I noticed that all his bruises and cuts and bandages were gone, and the same bright pink lipstick on Pacifica's lips were on his.

"What kind of fuckery is this?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. You're not the one. You never were."

"Then why- why did you kiss me yesterday? Was that fake? What, was this all just a game to you?"

He slowly nodded with a blank stare on his face.

I started to break down and I ran down the street. The road and sidewalks warped into a swirl of gray as I kept running. Tears running down my face uncontrollably. My face felt ridiculously wet, like my eyes were faucets pouring water down my cheeks.

I couldn't think straight, I couldn't see straight. Maybe I did really love him. Maybe I still do...

I began to trip over my feet until I tripped over what I assume was a rock and landed face first into a pile of rocks and leaves and tree roots. I was somehow in the middle of the woods now.

My entire mouth stung with pain and blood began pouring out of my mouth, exactly how the tears felt puring out of my eyes. I dried my eyes and looked down to see a huge pile of bloody teeth right under neath where my face landed on the ground. It terrified me. Were those my teeth?

I tried to scream but it only came out as an extremely quiet yelp. No one can hear me. I couldn't move, I couldn't stand up. My body broke with my heart.

I eventually just drifted off into sleep.

I woke up shaking slightly with tearstained cheeks. Holy shit, what the fuck even was that?! I stretched out on the bench I was sleeping on, my neck was aching along with my shoulders and back.

I dabbed at my cheeks with a tissue I had in my bag.

Well that was completely and utterly terrifying. What does that even mean? Do I actually still love him? No, I don't think so. Well...maybe. Fuck, I don't know.

I got up and started walking back home. What if it wasn't a dream and I was hallucinating or something? Should I even go home? Maybe I'm just paranoid for no reason.

Approaching the house, there was only my mom's and Damiar's mom's car in the drive way. I cautiously went to the door. I sighed, opening the door and stepping inside just before it started to rain.

"Mom? Damiar?" I called, my voice slightly cracking. My throat was dry and my house slightly strained. I couldn't forget about that nightmare. It means something, but I don't think I know exactly what. Thunder roared, breaking me away from my thoughts.

Along with Damiar's voice. "Yeah?" He asked as he slowly made his way down the stairs.

I subconsciously let out a whimper of relief when I saw him. I'm not sure what came over me but I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. This is what I need.. I think.

He was surprised at first, stiffening when my arms wrapped around his torso. But he warmed up to it, he wrapped his arms around me as well and rubbed circles on my back with his hand.

"Y/n? Are you okay? Did something happen while I was asleep?"

"I don't want to talk about it." My voice was even more strained, quiet, and high pitched as I said that. I was about to cry again.

God, I didn't want to let go of him. I wanted to stay like that forever. In comfort, and knowing he couldn't go fuck that Pacifica bitch.

He chuckled and released me from his grip. I let go and moved away. I wiped a tear from my eye with a sniffle.

"It's getting late. I'm just gonna go to bed." I said quietly. We both walked upstairs and laid down. There was a little tension but as I drifted off to sleep, I could've sworn I felt him flip on his side and lay his hand on my thigh.

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