uNtItLeD sToRy PaRt

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Hi guys 😔 I know I'm annoying and gay but the guy who I just got over like a week ago keeps making me fall for him 😹😹 and guess what 😼😹 he has a ✨boyfriend✨ and guess what what 👁️👄👁️ his boyfriend is ✨my ex best friend✨✨🧚 love that for me 😋

(Update: they broke up a while ago 😌😌 and we bonded over our hatred for the guy)

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(Also this is sort of a filler but the ending is important so yea)
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Jess, Damiar, and I all spent time talking amongst eachother and trying to keep Kai entertained in the boring hospital room. Surprisingly, Damiar didn't annoy the fuck out of me like usual. I guess it was because Kai and Jess were around.

Damiar and I sat next to each other on the couch because Jess took the reclining chair since she was gonna stay the night. However, I fell asleep and ended up not waking up until the next morning.

Tuesday, March 17th

"Y/n! Y/n, y/n, y/n!" I heard Jess's voice as she poked my arm. I opened my eyes and she was crouched down to my level. Her eyes widened when she saw I woke up. She pointed beside me. I hesitantly looked up and saw that I was lying in Damiar's lap while he slept, leaned against the window behind us.

I threw the soft blanket off of my body and quickly scrambled to my feet, trying not to wake up Damiar or Kai.

"Fuck, ew." I murmered as I neatened my shirt.

Jess laughed, "I know. I was wondering why you two were...you know, like, kind of cuddling."

"I didn't mean to fall asleep like that. I barely remember anything before falling asleep." I explained. I started searching through my bag for my phone. I pulled it out and checked the time.

"It's already ten. I have to do online school." I groaned.

"Ha ha I have an excuse not to!" Jess teased. I rolled my eyes and started to shake Damiar awake. He awoke with a jump.

"What? Where am I?!"

"We have to get home and do the stupid online schooling shit. So get up, we have another long walk ahead of us."

He sat up and we both slid on our shoes. I pulled my hoodie on and Damiar put on his jacket, also pulling his bed-head into a little ponytail.

 I pulled my hoodie on and Damiar put on his jacket, also pulling his bed-head into a little ponytail

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(very much a cutie-pie uwu)

I couldn't help but stare as he fixed his jacket in the mirror in the corner of the room. I wanted to look away but I couldn't bring myself to it for some reason. He is attractive, but I'd never tell him that.

He turned around and looked at me. I immediately looked away feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. I gathered up my things like nothing happened and headed for the door, Damiar following close behind.

"Tell Kai we said bye and hope he feels better." I told Jess before stepping out the door with Damiar.

"Oh my god. Do you remember where the elevator is?" I asked and Damiar just shook his head. "Fuck." I whispered to myself. I started walking up and down the hallways looking for the elevator room. There was no staff around that we could ask for help.

"Um...Dam, I think we're lost." I said after turning to Damiar.

His face twisted in confusion and then into amusement.

"What's so funny?!"

"Did you just call me Dam!"

My face went red and I looked down.

"Holy shit I'm sorry I didn't mean t-"

"No! No, it's cute!" He smirked and I punched him in the shoulder, not caring how hard. He rubbed the spot where I hit him but kept laughing at me.

"I'm not sorry to you, dingy! I'm sorry to myself. I-I never w- I haven't called y- Whatever, never mind."

He continued to laugh as I stumbled for my words. I narrowed my eyes at him. I was embarrassed now, and angry, and felt dumb.

I grabbed onto his arm as he was distracted and dragged him down the hall looking for a staff member. He finally stopped and calmed down while we kept searching. Finally, after what felt like forever, I spotted a long wrap around desk at the corner of the end of the hallway.

I went to it and there were nurses and people scrambling all around behind it.

"E-Excuse me," I said nervously to the lady doing paperwork at the front, "Do you know where an elevator is?"

"Yes. Right down that hall, take a left, a right, then there's a room with two elevators in it. Are you and your boyfriend visitors?"

"B-Boyfriend? N-No, I mean yes we're lost b-but...nevermind. Thank you." Damiar's snickering had already begun.

We finally made it out of the Hospital and got home safely. Damiar's teasing and annoying had started right back up on the walk home too.

I walked in and went straight up to my room. My parents were either gone or still sleeping. They still have to work, as long as they wear a mask.

To my dread, Damiar followed right behind me and sat next to me when I sat on the bed. Ignoring him, I pulled out my computer and checked what assignments I needed to do.

Luckily I only had to watch a few videos and take notes. Other classes were giving us sort of a break and optional practices to get used to the program. I was not going to do those practises. I'm too lazy.

Damiar sat behind me doing his own work. Sometimes he'd ask me for help and I'd said no but I'd end up helping him anyway. This went on until about one o'clock. It had only been a few hours and we were done before due, even with being late to starting.

I put my laptop away and got out my phone. Damiar left the room as soon as his laptop was away. I was going to ask him where he was going but it occured to me that I didn't care.

I stayed in my room for a while until I was getting bored. So I went down stairs, expecting Damiar to be down there too, but he wasn't. He must've went somewhere. Whatever, he's not my problem.

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