chapter knife

310 7 13

tw: violence (fighting) and mentions of transphobia /I'm nb and I'm not gonna use the t slur ok/

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I put my laptop away and glanced over at Y/n who had just put her own laptop away and was now on her phone lying down. I smiled to myself before walking out and texting Kai on my way down to the living room.

*Insert texts from last chapter but they stop at "don't do anything dumb" JJKSHB*

That Dylan guy is so fucked. His evil smirk and beaty little eyes always set off alarm bells in my head but the friend group never listened to me. Now he fucked up and he knows it.

I remember the first time Kai introduced me to him. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and slightly tanned skin. He looked like a fuckboy in all honesty. Can't wait to bash his fuckboy face into a brick wall.

I walked out of the house and into the warm spring air. It wasn't cold and I was already boiling with anger so I left my jacket thrown over a chair in the dining room.

I started walking to the grocery store near Kai's house. He always goes to that one to get stuff since it has fresh fruit and it's closest to his house. On my way I spotted him in an alley right behind the store. He wasn't hard to recognize.

"Hey Dylan!" I called in a not-so-friendly tone as I made my way towards him. He pushed off of the cement walk he was leaning on.

"Hey, Dee! What's up, man?"

"Don't fucking 'Dee' me!" I shouted once I reached him and immediately grabbed his hair. I pulled on it tightly as I held him against the brick wall on the other side of the grocery store wall.

"Yo dude what the fuck?!" He asked.

"You know what this is about." I replied. I then threw him onto the ground. He landed on his back with a grunt.

"Is this about your stupid girl friend?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I kicked him in the side and he grabbed his stomach and groaned.

"You know the 'i wanna be a real boy' ass freak?!"

"Fuck you!" I spat, kicking him again.

"You can't keep this up for long! You're just as much of a freak as hi-" I cut him off, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the wall again, scraping his head.

"He is a boy as far as I'm concerned. He has balls, unlike you. Why does it matter to you what other people do with their lives anyway? You're the freak."

"Oh yeah?" He asked and before I could say or do anything else, the back of his head crashed into my jaw and I stumbled backwards. I regained my balance and started towards him again only to be grabbed by my wrist and pinned to the ground on my stomach.

"I'm not a freak. You're a freak for supporting such...such sins." He seethed. With every word his knee dug into my back deeper, making it crack but not hard enough to break any bones.

I tried to catch my breath and get up but he held me steadily down. Until he pulled me up and threw me onto the wall. He got close to me and I took my chance and threw a punch to the left side of his face. It created a gash in his cheek bone which blood dripped out of freely.

He held onto the wound for a second and I took the opportunity to knee him in the stomach, pushing him backwards so he couldn't hit me as easily. I could already feel a huge bruise forming on my back so I started to walk away while Dylan was occupied with his self.

A little bit of anger was relieved from me but I felt it all hit me again when those words replayed over and over in my head.

'girl friend'



I whipped around thinking I would see Dylan still standing around but he was joined with two other boys out age. They all looked really tall and I already knew what they were talking about. Me. They're after me now.

I turned around to try and walk away as soon as possible but I was stopped by a strong grip on the back of my shirt. I squeezed my eyes shut and before I knew it, my already pained back collided with the concrete wall.

"You think you're tough shit don't you? Coming around here and starting problems like you own the place." The one holding me said.

"You're a worthless fucking emo just like your little friend." The other beside him spat, looking me dead in the eye. I looked at him and smirked,

"Nothing you do to me will stop the karma coming at you ugly, disgusting, tik tok fuck boys. Or how small your dick is that all three of you you have to gang up on one person to feel in control. Pathetic."

They all stared at me, angered by my words. The first to throw a punch was Dylan after pushing past the blond holding me down. I was punched in my face and stomach multiple times and thrown onto the ground when I couldn't stand because of the stomach pain. That's where they kicked me, stepped on me, and threw me around all at once until they decided I had enough.

All I could do was lay there in pain when they left until I felt like I could get up. I don't feel pathetic or wallow in self pity. This just proves even further how much of pieces of garbage they are.

I can't wait to hear when dreamy dirty blond number one gets his leg broken, or when mysterious jet black hair gets all of his fucking teeth knocked out of his face. Truly a victory. Even though I'll probably end up in a hospital bed right next door to Kai.

Hospital bed. That reminds me. Y/n. I have to get home before my mom freaks out or worse, Y/n curses my ass out for getting home so late and scaring my mom half to death.

I weakly stood up, leaning against the wall for support. I started to walk slowly, grabbing anything I could to support me. I can't do this. My back hurts too much, and my leg. I think they twisted my ankle or something. I don't know. I need to call someone.

I patted around my pockets for my phone but they were empty. I must've left it at home. I'm such a dumbass, why would I do that?

I finally and it home after what felt like hours but was probably just like thirty minutes. Longer than the normal trip but not as long as it felt it was.

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